lost gold mine

  1. Jim Bark's Manuscript

    Please forgive me if I'm asking an obvious question - Has Jim Bark's manuscript ("Notes") ever been published? Good luck to all, The Old Bookaroo
  2. Superstition Mine by Scudder Martin (1923)

    This one is respectfully dedicated to the memory of Don Jose de La Mancha, Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp, our missing companero. He always enjoyed these Sunday stories. Hoist up a mug of coffee - sock, boiled, ground or instant, with or without eggshells or a horseshoe - to his memory. And...
  3. Pegleg Smith - from The Mystic Mid-Region

    In 1837, a one-legged man named Smith found a mine of wonderful richness in the Colorado Desert. He was piloting a party over the desert from Yuma, when he came to three hills which rose out of the plain. Not being sure of his bearings, he mounted the tallest of the hills to get a view of the...
  4. The Lost Doc Thorne Mine - was it the same mine of Jacob Waltz?

    <Gold in white quartz, perhaps what the Dr Thorn ore might look like, photo originally from Wiki? One of the earlier lost mine legends of Arizona is the lost Doc Thorne mine, also spelled Thorn. There are a number of different variations of the story, but basically a Dr Thorne came to the...
  5. The Lost Cabin Mine of the Black Hills

    The Black Hills of South Dakota have their own version of the Lost Cabin mine; this one was seen by Kit Carson and has been found several times, found by hunters or hikers, but every time they have been unable to find it on returning. The cabin was intact except for the roof according to...
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