lost dutchman gold mine

  1. Possible Lost Dutchman Gold Mine

    I’ve never done a forum before, so I am new to this. I want some feedback from people with knowledge about the lost Dutchman gold mine. I will provide a picture and a little information but nothing as far as revealing the location of this mine. So from what you know about the mine let me know...
  2. The Lost Dutchman Mine, and the Superstition Mountain

    When I was a young buck, I used to always visit my dad in Arizona. I always heard about the Lost Dutchman Mine in the Superstition Mountain. Legends have been something I've always been interesting. It's something I would be interested in looking for, as well. Would it be worth it? If I would...
  3. Is There Any Evidence that the Lost Dutchman Mine really exists?

    Hola amigos; I am starting this thread for the debate and discussion of various evidence (or lack thereof) as to whether the Lost Dutchman gold mine really exists. Rather than post the extremely long opening argument here, I put it on my personal blog; anyone can read it at...
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