lost dutchman

  1. Is the history of Jacob Waltz incorrect?

    Looking at some genealogy i found some odd coincidences. Anyone with some insight or ideas are welcome. I find it odd that the middle name is reinhart for some of the ancestors...Is that possible why Petrasch was one of the people he told the location to ? Also the birth date of the mentioned...

    We have been finding amazing things but help with maps could be great. We have found stone heads and turtles. Even heart shaped rocks. If you can really help with maps email me. Wnybigfoot@aol.com
  3. Jim Bark's Manuscript

    Please forgive me if I'm asking an obvious question - Has Jim Bark's manuscript ("Notes") ever been published? Good luck to all, The Old Bookaroo
  4. Superstition Mine by Scudder Martin (1923)

    This one is respectfully dedicated to the memory of Don Jose de La Mancha, Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp, our missing companero. He always enjoyed these Sunday stories. Hoist up a mug of coffee - sock, boiled, ground or instant, with or without eggshells or a horseshoe - to his memory. And...
  5. Was Waltz Depressed?

    New to this forum but wanted to throw out some ideas with the caveat that you all are clearly more experienced and knowledgeable at this than I. That said... Ely hints that Waltz became depressed after the loss of Wiesner. We will never know, but if Waltz did suffer from depression and this was...
  6. Lost Mines in Arizona - Campfire Tales from 1906

    Lost Mines in Arizona ------- o0o ------- Arizona has no more beautiful legends and traditions than that of lost mines. There are many pretty songs and stories handed down from the early pioneer settlements, but the deepest interest is only fathomed in the songs and stories of lost...
  7. The Lost Doc Thorne Mine - was it the same mine of Jacob Waltz?

    <Gold in white quartz, perhaps what the Dr Thorn ore might look like, photo originally from Wiki? One of the earlier lost mine legends of Arizona is the lost Doc Thorne mine, also spelled Thorn. There are a number of different variations of the story, but basically a Dr Thorne came to the...
  8. The Lost Mine Articles by Victor Shaw (Earth Science Digest)

    Victor Shaw’s Lost Mine Articles – Earth Science Digest I recently acquired a complete set of the nine lost mine articles written by Victor Shaw and published in Earth Science Digest in 1947 and 1948. Shaw was an experienced gold prospector. He explored the ground where these stories are set...
  9. Help Dowsing a Satellite Mineral Map of the Lost Dutchman Mine

    I have a false color satellite mineral map of an alteration zone that I believe is where the Lost Dutchman Mine is located. The alteration zone is 5 miles long and almost a mile wide so that's 5 square miles that need to be searched in a very hellish area. This lode deposit was formed in a...
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