lost cities

  1. Lost City Literature

    ​Lost City Literature I just started reading Douglas Preston’s Lost City of the Monkey God (2017) and he discusses John Lloyd Stephens’ excellent two volume Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan (1841) - “perhaps the most interesting travel book ever published” (Edgar...
  2. Was Machu Picchu, was actually discovered and looted forty years earlier?

    Dreams of fortune and glory is not a new one and even after the conquest of the Incas people so dreamed of fortune and glory in Peru. One such claim came from Paolo Greer's research in 1978. Greer posed the question was "lost city of the Incas", Machu Picchu, was it actually discovered forty...
  3. Treasure, Tombs and Tolas - Finding Lost Cities and Relics in South America

    Hi Guys!!! I used to be an archaeologist, and have since become obsessed with applying that experience to treasure hunting. To that end, I developed a methodology (which has since become a book which I hope will be available later this year) which will enable anyone to find ancient treasure...
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