lost adams

  1. After Famous Adams Diggings - 1904

    AFTER FAMOUS ADAMS DIGGINGS. ----- A pretty story is being told in Albuquerque today to the effect that Gov. M. A. Otero and Secretary of Territory J. W. Raynolds have gone south to hunt for the famous lost Adams diggings, which, some prospectors say, are located in the Cuchillio Negras of...
  2. The Hodges Interview

    Jeff of PA was kind enough to post under another thread a link to this newspaper article. I'd been looking for it and hadn't been able to locate it. It is of interest because it is listed in the Dobie references to the LAD. I don't think it adds much to the saga - but that is for the reader...
  3. Echos From Lost Mines - J.D. Hill (Overland Monthly & Out West Magazine - 1924)

    Echoes From Lost Mines By Jim Dan Hill Overland Monthly and Out West Magazine - February 1924 A certain famous novelist is being taken seriously in certain financial circles of New York, if the report is true that the primary purpose in the organization of the Canada del Oro Mining and...
  4. The Adams Diggings "Famous Saddle Tree"

    I found this in a turn of the century (19th to 20th) book about prospecting and mining. The author suggests a troop of “Buffalo” (Negro) solders (I’m assuming they were cavalry – they well may have been infantry) found and then lost the Lost Adams Diggings. Unfortunately, the author uses...
  5. Dowsing a False Color Satellite Image Map for the LAD placer gold

    I have a false color satellite image of a large alteration zone that I believe is where the Lost Adams Diggings is located. The image parameters were validated using the Ortiz and Vulture mine fields. The main alteration zone is 15 miles long and the erosion area is almost two miles wide so...
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