
  1. Timmunes Nickel Logs

    Timmune's Nickel Logs Hey All, This thread will be dedicated to posting all my nickel logs for those interested. Cheers! :coins: $100 Loomis Box #1- Nickels (1x) - 1936 Bufallo (2x) - Dateless Buffaloes (1x) - 1940 (2x) - 1941 (2x) - 1946 (2x) - 1947 (3x) - 1948 (1x) - 1949 (24x) -...
  2. silvermagnets coinstar log

    silvermagnet's coinstar log this is my version of sagitarius' coinstar log in which i will post all significant finds (over $.15, foreign, silver etc) as well as anything strange that i might find.8-) I will start with yesterday $0.37 cents clad.
  3. A Log Time Running

    Well, I've decided to make a log to keep more organised and to remember what all I've found. I've searched through many coins already but I'm going to start from today on: Just a little side note, I keep quite a few things some people might not, I'm just going to include everything I end up...