
  1. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Stone Ball

    Hello folks, I found this on a ridge of a friend’s property near Lookout Mountain by the GA/TN/AL border. There is no river or stream nearby. The mountains are limestone from my understanding. I am wanting to know if this is natural or an Indian game ball that I have read about. There seems to...
  2. Shortened Form Perhaps??

    Hi What are these? And how did they get in the limestone I was dissolving in acid to release some kind of fossil that is in it? The Limestone is from north central Indiana. Here are some pics of the limestone specimen that these came from: I appreciate anything at all that I can find out...
  3. Indian Artifact or HEAVY DOOR STOP???

    My grandson found this unique item near a Kentucky creek and we are trying to determine authenticity. The notches at the end seem fairly defined. After reading some other articles I'd say we've ruled out a stone moccasins last. Do you think this could have been a tool? Any ideas guys? Thanks...
  4. Road Side Find: 1 Common & 1 Uncommon

    Just a few Images of some of the stones I find while walking to and from the Library.. Image: Common limestone (Host Stone) with well formed crystal noduals.. Image: Very Uncommon Find.. This petrified Wood has turned opalized in some areas..
  5. Someone say Lighting Strikes?

    Someone say Lightening Strikes? Post Removed