
  1. Potential LIDAR leads; Advice/thoughts WELCOME!!

    In Vermont, I have found some interesting topographical details in the mountains near our family camp. I am excited to go explore these when the weather clears. However, in the meantime I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on what I might be looking at, these features are found in a couple...
  2. Virgin cellar hole leads to 4 firsts and unknown coin. Draped bust, 2 tined fork, tombac, bale seal

    So i found this cellar hole while i was helping someone on here with this Need help interpreting LIDAR post. Karma actually working, hurray. I was showing what would definitely be a cellar hole. Using imagery of a known abandoned 1800's town site. When all of the sudden i noticed this other...
  3. Potential sites for people in VT

    These are potential sites, you still need to find out who the owner is and get permission. They might be in a state protected preserve and you could never get permission, I don’t know. You have to do the rest of the home work. All I know is they are in the woods and look very interesting. I...
  4. potential sites for people in MA

    These are potential sites, you still need to find out who the owner is and get permission. They might be in a state protected preserve and you could never get permission. You have to do the rest of the home work. All I know is they are in the woods and look very interesting. I would be all over...
  5. Update #2: My first Colonial show buckle.... I discovered an unknown cellar hole! Pewter rat tail spoon?

    Updates are at the bottom of this original post. 👇👇👇 While scanning the lidar of previous permissions one day I happened to see this tiny depression(red circle) I knew it was a long shot but I hoped it could be an old house site. I made the trek yesterday. This old road which can be seen...
  6. Update: There was a cellar hole out there: Bells, buckles, a baby’s ring? & baby’s first axe!

    Update at bottom in form of comment👇 had this marked as a potential site, from searching around my area on lidar. Did some more research on it last week. I also drove by to realize it was public property, so I went out there yesterday early afternoon and stayed until dark. It’s a lot bigger...
  7. 1917 Merc w/Full Split Bands? & the nicest cellar holes I’ve seen

    Didn't have much time today after work. So i decided to just drive to a few cellar holes i have marked in Gaia as potential sites. Just to see how i would access them or who i would have to ask for permission. I drove down a road that's 10 minutes away from where i live, that i have apparently...
  8. LiDAR Technology for Mining & Treasure Hunting

    What can you say about LiDAR 3D Scanner using Satellites and Drones? Are there proven treasure finds using LiDAR technology that can scan more than 40 meters underground?
  9. Buried Pirate Treasure in Panama

    Hi All! My name is Amanda, and I am new to Treasure Net. I am actually not too familiar with lidar, but I'm here because I'm looking for someone who is. My friends and I are filmmakers, and one of us happens to be the descendent of a pretty famous pirate. In his possession, he has an...
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