large cent

  1. A bunch of finds from the weekend's new permission!

    Had an awesome hunt this weekend over two days on a new permission that doesn't seem to have been detected. There was no trash either which is the best feeling (had 1 modern soda can only)! haha Lots of iron in the ground and had to work really slow to hear anything. Found many of the good finds...
  2. One Hole, Two Coins - 19th Century Pocket Spill

    Today I was hunting on the farm, and got my first 19th century pocket spill. The signal, initially, was strong in the one cent range (mid 40's on the Legend). I had been digging modern cents earlier and figured this would be another. I was quite excited to see a nice 1837 large cent after...
  3. 1787 counterfeit NJ copper

    went out to my field of dreams where I pulled the Constellatio, 18 buttons and large cents. well I pulled another coin. snow on the ground doesn't stop the deus. upon cleaning, I realized I had found a New Jersey copper. I've never found one before, but my buddy has found 2. mine looked odd to...
  4. Field Of Dreams! 1 trash, all treasure, Large, half and cut cents

    Good Morning! its me again! I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming after last nights quick 1.5 hour hunt. 2023 was a slow year of detecting. when I say slow, I mean with finds. my buddy and I would go out almost every weekend and detect. but the end of 2023 has been very generous...
  5. First Tombac Button and Nice 1849 Large Cent

    Went back to the old farm cent and found large cent number 6 for this site. I found it a few feet from where I found the others. I hit it with the shovel but luckily didn't damage it. It was sitting almost completely vertical about 6" down on the side of the hole I dug. I had gone over it a...
  6. Love Token?

    Hello everyone! Just wanted to introduce myself to the forum and I’m thrilled to be on the site. I hope to share any of my future finds, since I just relocated to the north Georgia area. My main interest lies in civil war and colonial artifacts. I wanted to share this “Love Token’ (?) I found...
  7. Love Tokens?

    Hello everyone! Just wanted to introduce myself to the forum and I’m thrilled to be on the site. I hope to share any of my future finds, since I just relocated to the north Georgia area. My main interest lies in civil war and colonial artifacts. I wanted to share this “Love Token’ (?) I found...
  8. Found Oldest Coin yet (1852) at a New Site

    I found new site at the park the other day where a home site was located from an 1859 map. I had tried to locate the site couple times before but with no luck. I finally found it. I found an 1860 IH with a square nail hole through it along with an old pin and small gold plated ring a couple...
  9. Large cent!

    Just out for a quick grocery run and the tray wasn't dry this time. Didn't check em out until I got in the car, I gasped once I saw the date and remaining details. I cant tell if a find like this is unusual or just extraordinary:o. Thanks for looks, HH!:icon_thumright:
  10. First ever U.S. Large Cent! but in tough shape...

    REVERSE OBVERSE I found this today, and I’m showing the reverse side first, because that’s where I can see the “RICA” at about 4:00-5:00 and hints at the wreath. The obverse has nothing to show. It’s been holed, And there’s rust coming through. The corrosion is topical and rusty, so I wonder...
  11. 3 hunts and some CRH...

    My first hunt of the weekend was about 3 1/2 hours at a new permission at a house dating back to sometime between 1801 and 1819, it was a huge brick house that has apparently been hunted a bunch but I decided to give it a go. I found a spill of 3 wheats right off the bat and then a few other...
  12. 1857 Flying Eagle and LC within first 15 minutes of digging!

    I can't tell you how great I feel right now. The house I was detecting (same one I've been posting about recently) is from the 1870s and in the previous two hunts I got a gold earring, silver quarter, old cash coin, 20s coin spill among other things so it's been quite productive. At the...
  13. 1795 Capper Liberty - My First Large Cent - And Its A Good One! - NEW PHOTOS

    Hi everyone! If you saw this post at 2 am yesterday, you most likely realized the photos were invalid and unable to load. I have posted this fantastic relic for all to see. Enjoy! Sorry for the sideways photos - How can I fix that? Whoooooo! I cannot believe what I found yesterday! I...
  14. 1795 Capped Liberty! - My first Large Cent! - And Its A Good One!

    Whoooooo! I cannot believe what I found yesterday! I was metal detecting on a large wooded hillside in Pennsylvania looking for antique shotgun shells. My metal detector sounded a blip that said there was iron under a log. I know from experience that logs have a tendency to mask good...
  15. FOUND: 115 year old coin!!!

    Im so excited!!! Our old friends own a beutiful, 1896 Victorian house that I've always wanted to detect. Saturday night I was given permission to hunt their yard and I was beside myself with exciment!!! Well! I hunted for about 15 minutes and then I found a really nice soild high tone. I popped...
  16. early 1800s home site and privy?

    Hey T"netters- any ideas as to age? 1809 half cent (not toasted for sure!) plus a large cent (no pic, Mick dug), Pottery is especially interesting to me. And this must be a privy, correct?? 2nd pic has the 5 ft probe buried to the hilt (cleared the leaves around the depressed approx 3-4 ft...
  17. Mid 1600s Saddle Pommel from a 1990s permission

    Got out Yesterday to a permission of a house that was built in the 90s but built on an old farm field. Turned up my first Large Cent of the year and first ever with the ORX a few buttons and my oldest find to date a mid 1600s - mid 1700s Saddle Pommel. I didn't find many examples on Google so I...
  18. 1853 Large Cent - A first

    I found this 1853 Large Cent recently in a town near-by. I asked a guy to detect his yard, and he seemed hesitant, but he eventually agree to give me an hour to hunt his yard, so I made the most of it. I found a 1910 wheat penny which I laid on his porch railing before I left. Near a side...
  19. Finding coins

    Been learning my machine. I found where there are pop tops a plenty than these! 14 Indian heads and two large cents! And I think a shilling?
  20. What really happened to the 1815 large cent?

    So what actually happened to the 1815 large Cent penny? I have heard speculations that since the US was at war with Britain, (who was their main material supplier for coins) they could not get any shipments of copper to the US. Now I'm no historian, but there were other countries where the US...
  21. ✅ SOLVED 1817 large cent 13 stars, what is its worth?

    So I recently acquired this 1817 13 stars large cent coin (my oldest coin in my modest collection:headbang::headbang:). So I was wondering what its worth is, I bought it for 13.50$. Thank you so much!
  22. 1796-99?? Draped Bust Large Cent -- Happy Spring TNet!

    Hello friends, hope you all had a safe winter. We had our first hunt of the year a couple of days ago here in Massachusetts at John's 1683 property. Found this coin, but can't quite make out the date's last digit! Definitely a draped bust large cent though. Enjoy and happy hunting! ~Lisa & John
  23. Dug junk for two hours and then......Large Cent!

    Today I went back to the permission from last weeks post with the buttons and silvers, and was sooo excited at the prospect of more of the same. Unfortunately I didn't find anything at the same site . I decided to go to a spot about 50 yards away that tends to be very trashy. I dug for two...
  24. A First For Us--Draped Busts! 1683 Mass Property

    Hi everyone, John cleared brambles from a new area near where some old outbuildings are on his property. He started detecting and found an 1802 large cent--worn, but he can still see the date and some lettering. He cleaned it up a bit and went back out. Would you believe in the same hole he dug...
  25. Jewelry fragments, Large Cent, Silver--1683 Mass Property

    Hi everybody, hope you are well. I am posting a few jewelry fragment finds, as well as a beautiful butterfly hair barrette fragment, and a pretty nice 1830 large cent. John dug these over the weekend. I'd love to be able to date the butterfly barrette, but I can't find any legitimate antique...
  26. A few doo-dads and another LC

    Hi folks. Hope this note finds you all well. Had time to only do a few hunts over the past few weeks on either side of a well-needed vacation to Kennebunk and Goose Rocks Beach - long time family spot. First hunt was with a buddy of mine in central VT, then another short hunt for about an hour...
  27. Pa Metal Detecting an Old School Property

    If someone has an idea of what year or type of coin this is I would be happy to know. I believe it to be a British Cent (Queen Victoria) coin. Please let me know. Thanks
  28. Northeastern PA Metal Detecting an Old School Property

    We went here yesterday for about 2 hours and we found two large cents a wheat penny, some old relics and a coin I believe is a Queen Victoria from the 1800's. I'm gonna post my video here from youtube and anyone has any idea of exactly what this coin is please comment. Thanks alot Our...
  29. Cut and Quartered "Matron Head" Large Cent

    Well here is a slice of pie for Rolesville, NC. Found this cut coin, and thought was colonial, but determined after cleaning it was a Large Cent. Date missing, so I compared to a 1856 Large Cent. Under a USB microscope I found the stars are larger, profile is more slanted, and edge is quite...
  30. Trick and Ohhh! what a treat hunt!!

    Desided to go on a Halloween hunt today. Hoping to find some treats not tricks.. Well I found my oldest finds to date. My first large cent and a second a little while later!! Using the Tesoro Tejon....
  31. ✅ SOLVED US coin from mid 1800s

    US coin from mid 1800's I thought this was a US large cent when I found it, but the back is wrong. The Liberty on the front looks like the large cents from 1839 to 1857; however, rather than having a wreath on the back, this coin has an eagle facing left and holding arrows. There does not...
  32. 1796 Half Dime plus indians, large cent, and 14 silvers

    Spent a weekend trying to find thawed ground for the first detecting trip of the year. Several locations on the route still had frozen ground at 3-5". 10 indians (1880 oldest) 1853 large cent 1904 worlds fair token No date standing liberty 14 silver A LOT of wheats 1796 half dime...The LI is...
  33. Oldest coin of the year, Ring Search, and a Silver 1st

    Thanks for taking the time to look. If you enjoy the video please Subscribe to my YouTube channel. Good luck & Happy Hunting! Travis
  34. Cool finds - Unusual assortment - Barber, LC, Button etc

    I recently hunted several places and came up with an unusual assortment of items. While hunting a beach I came up with half a pipe bowl from an old clay pipe and a 1909 VDB cent. Tried a spot in the woods that I've pounded and still came up with an old button. The back reads London Double...

    UPDATE: CLEANED! THE MOST BEAUTIFUL DRAPED BUST LARGE CENT I HAVE EVER SEEN! Here is a somewhat recent photo of the large cent after a long soak in oil. I'm surprised I never put this picture over here already, I just realized I had this photo after having it for 2 months or more today when I...
  36. I love my metal detector...and being lucky!

    I'll combine the past two days to keep from overloading the board. Yesterday, I hit one of the elementary schools close by and dug a little over $3 in clad. About 15 minutes from calling it a day, I realized I had the sensitivity on my AT Pro down to a half from the night before searching the...
  37. Amazing day at the field! Mid 1800s coin fest!

    I returned to the field I had been hunting earlier in the week. For two days of hunting, I ended up with a variety of old coins and miscellaneous items. I believe I have located the site of a ghost town that disappeared in the 1870s due to the age of the coins. I found no Indians, wheats, or...
  38. Cabin Fever: Coin Fest

    UPDATE: Cabin Fever-Coin Fest Got out for a couple days while the weather was warm. Here are the finds. Several indians, silvers, wheats, and two lcs. Posted new pictures of the coins and tokens/misc. No rare dates. However, found 3 1909 wheats.
  39. Colonial Silver, Coppers, and Buttons!

    Well Mom and I hit the dream field again to hit an area of Soy that has dodged the combine for a while that I knew had more buttons and coins in it. It borders the same field with all those half cents and Nj's etc. Got there and started digging buttons again. First coin was this 1807 LC in...
  40. VIDEO---Metal Dectecting An 1835 House in HD

    Today I had a fantastic hunt. I metal detected an 1835 house and had some serious luck. I found my first skeleton key and my first SLQ. I also found a LC, crotal bell, a silver Washington quarter, two silver war nickels and a few buttons.
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