
  1. Seven Diamond Anniversary Ring Emerged From a Lake 12 Years Ago

    Within a couple of days of discovering this forum, my trusty AT Gold helped my rescue this beautiful ring from a fresh water lake. Someone else's bad luck, or disillusionment with what the ring stood for, turned into good luck for me and my wife. I did search via the internet for an owner, but I...
  2. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Strange stones with holes at the center

    Hi, I found those strange stones near a lake a couple of years ago. Does someone have an idea of what they are?
  3. from GA

    Hello! Does anyone know if Lake Weiss is owned by the Army Corp of Engineers? Or does anyone know if we are able to MD there? I'm having trouble locating any information.
  4. SAND SCOOP - Best Style and Manufacturer

    Happy New Year! Forgive me if there is an existing thread for this topic, and/or move this to an appropriate page. I have been watching & reading videos, threads and metal detecting sites looking for reviews of sand scoops including homemade jobbies using PVC sewer fittings, (of which I have...
  5. Lucky Golden Hunt

    You always need a little luck to find gold but in this hunt I was beyond lucky. See for yourself: HH!
  6. Winter Lake Gold!

    Here is a video of a recent hunt at one of my lakes. I started off using the White's Dual Field and found some deep targets but after finding about 30 bottle caps I switched to the Excall II and its discrimination capabilities. My friend used his Fisher 1280X. I hope you enjoy the video:
  7. new on here

    lookin 4 someone to md and artifact with n north central fl.lafayette,columbia,suwannee,hamilton,n dorks ok
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