
  1. Looking for KGC experts to Host new Discovery Channel series

    Hi Everyone, I am a television producer with the company Brian Catalina Entertainment (Brian Catalina Entertainment). We are currently developing a TV series about the Knights of the Golden Circle, and the hunt for clues and depositories. The goal of the show is to follow one person, or a...

    Small fob or pendant, little bigger then quarter. looks to be composed of silver. no marks, looks real old due to its wearing out. in 3d style, with a dime sized unmarked bottom - hollow with same design on both sides. i believe it has knights templar symbols but really need more information...
  3. Knights of the Golden Circle after the Civil War

    I read Rebel's latest reply on swiftsearcher's "Vault" topic and decided to start this new topic where we can discuss anything about the activities and members of the Knights of the Golden Circle after the Civil War ended. This thread can include, but is not limited to, KGC members work in...