
  1. Knife


    I found this in an old sewing machine table that was given to the place I work.i took a pic of it and did the image search,came up as a Viking dagger.
  2. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Old Warranted Butcher's Cleaver

    I found this old warranted butcher's cleaver in the trash a few days ago. I think it's from the late 19th century or the early 20th at the very latest, but I haven't been able to find any information about the company that produced it. Has anyone any information on the company E. V. Alford &...
  3. Flint Knife

    Hello, This past Tuesday before the cold set in I was able to get to my Go to spot in this field (that hasn't really produced lately because of no rain) & was actually able to find something, the first pic is when I walked up on it, because of the location/color I was sure it was something, &...
  4. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Unknown knife

    I bought this knife at a sale today. The blade has been seriously abused, but it bears a CASE logo. This Case logo is not one with which I am familiar, so I'm wondering if this is a knockoff knife, or whether I just don't know enough about Case knives! Thanks. .
  5. Is this Knife old? What type of metal?

    HI! I recently found this knife, along with some old bottles, dampers, forks, shotgun shells, etc. The knife is really heavy for its size. I was able to polish up the metal blade easily with some steel wool. The handle is very solid. Cant tell if it is stone or some type of metal that has been...
  6. Help with Touch Mark Identification on c. 1600s Folding Knife

    Hello everyone, I wanted to see if anyone could help identify the touchmark ( +o+ ) on this c.1600s folding pocket knife found along the Main River near Frankfurt, Germany. It's believed to be a soldier's knife from the 30 Years War in Central Europe per the antique shop owner where the knife...
  7. ✅ SOLVED Anyone heard of a Cavendi Knife?

    Found this vintage knife. It's marked : " Cavendi " Can't find anything relating to it. Possibly a Bakelite handle. Anyone got anything on this knife? Thx
  8. ✅ SOLVED Is this a DAGGER?!

    What do you think this could be??? A dagger??? It was found in a park.
  9. Inherited possible native artifacts? Arrowheads/knives?

    Hi everyone, thanks in advance your help with these. My grandpa left pails of rocks in his garage when he passed, which after some investigation over the years I’m thinking might be native artifacts? Doing some spring cleaning so I decided to finally clean them up and snap some pictures to...
  10. Odd Style Arrowhead

    Hello All! This is my first post in this forum and I plan to show a few more that I've stumbled upon. I found this piece while metal detecting the edge of a pond runout that had been dug out to increase depth. I've found a few arrowheads in my time but nothing like this. Any info would be...
  11. ✅ SOLVED Pen knife or razor?

    I found this at a house built in 1820. It has a rusted iron/steel part, some other non-metallic metal parts, and the whitish outside material looks like bone. It doesn't look or feel like wood. And the narrow rusted iron "blade" is pivots about it's middle, not its end, as it would for a pocket...
  12. Drill,Knife & Quartz knife tip

    Hello, :hello: I got out in my favorite creek today & on the walk to it I found what I thought was a flint chip with mud on it so I picked it up (thank goodness!), when I got home & washed it off I got a very nice surprise! :headbang: A quartz knife tip ( & just to let you know in this SMALL...
  13. KNIFE TIP?

    Hello, Got out a little this week but this is all i found,looks like a bi-faced knife tip? Better then getting skunked! lol :headbang: I just thought i would share with the site.
  14. Some Knives "one special"

    These are just a few of the knives I have detected with my Tesoro Eldorado (lunch box) 1988 model and still digging strong:icon_thumright: The first and third knife from the left where made from files and were found in old mining town and the two butter knives and pocket knife found there also...
  15. Pakistan Folding Knife

    I went to a local flea market today. I am not a knife collector but I usually see a lot of folding knives with wooden handles being sold. I really don't pay any mind to them since I like looking for jewelry. There was a table with a whole lot of small zip lock bags stuffed with watches, jewelry...
  16. WHAT IS IT ???

    Ok guys first post here. I know this is a copper culture arrowhead from WI. But I have no clue what type of arrowhead or the age of it. And ill never sell it but how much is it worth ?
  17. Civil War Knife (real or fake?)

    Is this knife from the Civil war era? If so, does the carving look to the Period?
  18. Obsidian Knife, Scrapper, Tool Found in Franklin County East Texas

    I have dug ten's of thousands of holes in the last 5 winters at this ranch we have stayed at in east Texas (Private Property with owners consent) always keeping my eyes open for Native American Artifacts while Metal Detecting. I even hunt while taking walks with my husband as my eyes are always...
  19. Old Glass & Gold Knife, Spoon & Fork What are they?

    I would love to hear your thoughts on how old these are, where they might have been made, their style They're all a little over 7" in length, weigh around 1.5 oz each and have very nice details the only markings I can find is a (13) stamped on the knife's blade thanks!!!
  20. A Friday find

    I went out for a bit on Friday Oct the 16th. I found this Knife? It looks like it's hafted on both sides, but the channels(?) go up each side,it doesn't look anything like a point. Any ideas? Thanks, Phil
  21. Return To The Copper Culture Beach

    After spending the last 6 days in the madness of Chicago....I'm back detecting at my old copper culture beach, beautiful night with crystal clear water, loons calling and no city insanity. The junk. I met a dude last year on the beach that told me he lost his binoculars a few years ago...
  22. Civil war knife

    I have bought many Civil War knifes and forks, but I have never seen one with rivets like this. I was wondering anyone knew if this knife is from the Civil War era?
  23. Daughter found old "sword" - any help to ID this?

    My daughter and I are new hunters. We found this is South Mississippi about 4inches down in the woods. My mother used to find a lot of arrowheads in this particular area. Also, how would you identify and clean such a piece. It's fairly heavy and pretty solid. Appears to be in the shape of a...
  24. old hand made knife!!!

    i found this in an old ghost town from the mid 1800,s in new mexico ... i was walking around in one of the buildings and i put my hands on top of one of them cross beam things that held the roof together and i heard i big clunk as some thing fell to the floor so i looked around for what made the...
  25. Metal Detecting as a Public Service - Exhibit A

    Hi Everyone, For anyone who says we are just "treasure hunters" out to steal stuff that other people left behind, I present: Exhibit A: Large knife found in 2 inches of sand at the beach, with blade stuck open. I found this yesterday on Topsail Island Beach in North Carolina (one of the few...
  26. ✅ SOLVED Sterling Silver knife blade... but for what use?

    I found this last weekend metal detecting in N.H. The hallmarks tell me it was made by Henry Williamson in Birmingham, England in 1918 and that it's sterling silver. It's 3-1/4 inches long and pretty sturdy. Obviously, the handle is long gone. Can anyone tell me what it was used for? I'm...
  27. Bizantine Knife?

    Bizantine Knife??? Please! Help me to ID this knife! THX Alll!
  28. Episode 2: 14 Coins 1600 and gilded epaulet:

    Almost never I found so many beautiful objects and deep spiritual significance! It is impressive that earth hides! Enjoy! Will you please help me in identifying the parts I do not know the origin or dating! GET DIP DIP! 1. 10 cartridges blades for 7.92 2. 1 buckle (from combat boots? Age?) 3...
  29. My first Knife (WWII), Cartridge Case Exploded

    9 Detection: 24 march 2013 1. Knife WW II (I found near the cartridge CMC 1942) 2. chisel 3. Registration plate RO IS 01 half 4. Cartridges case: a. CMC 1942 cartridge 7.92 D b. PA 1940 7.92 D exploded with the bullet in 5. Gas lighter 6. Coins: a. 5 Lei 1978, b.50 Bani 2008, c.50 Bani...
  30. Old fork and ww stuff!

    In the country's forests with gabi.a and Gommy! I found a gorgeous artwork that I produce it in the end! Wed honest I love it! Maybe someone can identify my objects! There are 2 parts and so as you already know a movie tomorrow! Happy browsing  1. Any brass that goes up and down! Something to...
  31. Old coins and old castle!

    A. 1 detection: on April 27: 1. 3 balls of the project 2. I think the old one bullet before 1900 ????? (please identify) 3. Cartridge case: a. 1917 Lugansk Russia X 2 b. write 16 and a turnover in Cyrillic?? c. 1942 DEN (Denver) USA d. D M 42 ???? (please identify) e. CMC 1942 7.92.D...
  32. My first Knife (WWII), Cartridge Case Exploded

    1. Knife WW II (I found near the cartridge CMC 1942) 2. gouge 3. Registration plate RO IS 01 half 4. Cartridges PA 1940 7.92 D exploded with the bullet in 5. Gas lighter 6. 5 Lei 1978, 50 Bani 2008, 50 Bani 2005 (Obverse + Reverse) 7. 1 small horseshoe! 8. 2 buckles do not know: Maybe the horse...
  33. Today 13 aprilie

    1. 14 Coins: a. 5 Bani 1952 b. 10 Bani 1954 c. 15 Bani 1960 d. 25 Bani 1960 e. 5 Bani 1963 f. 15 Bani 1966 g. 1 Leu 1966 h. 3 Lei 1966 i. 5 Bani 1975 j. 15 Bani 1975 X 3 l. 100 Lei 1993 m. 500 Lei 2000 2. Objective Smena 3. an object like a nail? 30 cm I found! What is it!? 4. barrel gun? 5...
  34. Knife info please

    Hi I found this detecting a few days ago .It has something written on it but I cant make it out.Can anyone tell me what kind of knife this is,etc?
  35. ✅ SOLVED Star like thing, round thing with an anchor, casings, knife and etc.

    Found in the woods in East Texas. No history on the area. Detecting Private property with owner's consent. I would like to know what the star like thing and the anchor thing is forsure, but I love all information on anything I find. If you know anything about the eagle or the knife or any of it...
  36. hand made knife found

    ]I found this old knife at a ghost town from around the 1800's that is located in new mexico some where around the town of hillsboro. I found it while walking around in side an old cabin like building i was looking around when i reached up an grabbed on to one of the cross beams on the ceiling...
  37. What does everyone use to dig?

    Hi, I normally use a sturdy Bowie knife to dig my targets. I was wondering what everyone else used and if anyone had any suggestions.
  38. Old knife help

    hey guys,I found this old knife in a stone wall under several stones,the area that I found it in has several celler holes producing late 18th to early 19th century artifacts.any idea on a possible age of the knife or any info on it. it is approximately 9.75 inches in has since been...
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