
  1. Bucket list detecting request for KY trip!

    Greetings and thank you in advance. I’ve been detecting Colorado with historical emphasis for a couple years now. A favorite has been discovering the Overland trail. I have a trip planned for Lexington area next week. Kentucky sure has some amazing history. It’s been a dream of mine to hunt a...
  2. Human Vertebra Transfixed by a Spearpoint of Antler

    I have been reading this document titled "SOME ABORIGINAL SITES ON GREEN RIVER, KENTUCKY CERTAIN ABORIGINAL SITES ON LOWER OHIO RIVER ADDITIONAL INVESTIGATION ON MISSISSIPPI RIVER" by Clarence B. Moore. It is a pretty extensive documentation of relics and burials found in the in nine weeks of...
  3. KGC in Western Kentucky Marker Found?

    So today I stopped at a little country grave yard, disappointed I didn’t find the particular grave I was searching for, as I was leaving I looked down and came across this stone. A little back story: Two years ago, while researching my family tree I uncovered that my 3rd Great Granfather was an...
  4. Horse shoe

    I found this horse shoe on our property in Kentucky this morning. Photos of it and some compared to my horses current shoes. Not sure how old it could be? I haven’t cleaned it up yet
  5. Kentucky Military Institute button

    Found this yesterday. I have been trying to find more information on it, like time period they would have been made and any other history on this button. I was using an Equinox 600 and this was the first day of actually hunting with it [been out about half hour in back yard previously]. Thanks
  6. Knife or axe repost with more pics

    Eastern Kentucky find. I’m pretty sure it’s a knife but I’ve had a few people tell me this looks like a flint Celt? Appreciate any advice in advance :)
  7. kentucky long rifle Fake or Real?

    Authentic? or REPO?
  8. Kentucky long rifle

  9. Help me know if im on the righ track or not please? ound stuff, I think? Henderson Ky

    Ive just got REALLY intrested in digging and pick Uu ng creek beds and fields for, whatever cool thing i can find. These come out the same place. I been there playing woodlnd creature everyday fo over a week. I rather be out and away from people and looking at the outside stuff. No way else to...
  10. Kentucky & Southern Indiana Artifact hunting

    Does anyone hunt for artifacts in Jefferson county, other bordering counties, or southern Indiana. If so, what in particular do you look for?
  11. Topography Maps Help

    I have heard of people using topography maps to find potential places to look for arrowheads and other artifacts. What should you be looking for on these maps that would be indicators of a place a camp could've been?
  12. Southern Rockhounds, I need your help!

    Hello TN! Me and my friend are taking a road trip from Michigan to Tennessee and Kentucky. We will be staying in the Gatlinburg area but are looking for some places to rockhound nearby. Does anyone know of any good spots? We have a pretty wide radius that we'd be willing to travel. I'll...
  13. Get Permission

    How do you'll go about getting permission to search a farm? I ask because most of the farms in my area do not have a house on them where a land owner would live. How do you contact the land owner or do you just not search a farm if the property owner doesn't live there?
  14. Louisville Arrowheads?

    I live near Louisville and have seen some posts on Tnet and other places from people who claim to have found arrowheads in Louisville. I have only found one just outside of Louisville near a construction site by the river which I credit to me being lucky. Have any of You'll actually found...
  15. Need Identification Help

    Any info is appreciated!
  16. Indian Artifact Identification

    Can anybody tell me anything about this? Identification? Time period? All I know is it's an arrowhead... I think.
  17. I think I found a new Cumberland Gap quarter doubled die.

    I was looking through my National Park Quarter album for doubled dies and other varieties, and I found one. It is a 2016-P Cumberland Gap and it seems similar to WDDR-001 or DDR-001. However, it seems different to me and I need someone else's opinion. Do you think it's a DDR-001 or a new...
  18. Coal Scrip

    Had a really nice find with my F2 today! I dug up an old coal scrip issued by the Consolidation Coal Company Inc for their coal camp in Dunham, Kentucky! Dunham was set up on June 24th, 1913 and was only a small community, absent from most maps. It was about 10 miles northeast of Whitesburg, KY...
  19. Help with anywhere in KY or TN (need some weekend dream-trip support pls)!

    I tried this post in a similar forum (which shall go nameless) :laughing7: and didn't receive anywhere near the community love I had hoped for so went in search of a new place to call home and ended up here :) Anyway, hear me out. I realize this is a total long-shot, but If I don't have a...
  20. A few recent Western kentucky finds!

    All of these were found digging the same deep woods rock overhang near my hometown. The site seemed to be undisturbed as my partner came away with more than me and we dug side by side. Also, the nice point is one of those debatable "snapped base" issues. In regards to that I can vouch that my...
  21. Kentucky Gold

    Greetings and thanks for reading my post! I'm a brand new prospector and member on thise site, and I'm in a real delima. After DVRing every episode of Gold Rush, Gold Fever, Alaskan, Bearing Sea Gold, Jungle Gold.... I've come to terms with the realization that I have gold fever!!! Being located...
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