
  1. Please help id old Jewish bell artifact

    Hi forum, great to be here and to join ! many thanks ! I struggle to identify an item I have. This looks religious Jewish copper or bronze or brass bell. Impossible to tell due to the patina. I tried with google image search I had no luck. I have found identical bells but religious Christian...
  2. Can Anyone Read Yiddish? Can you read this signature on photo?

    Yiddish / Hebrew signature? Here is a 1928 drawing of composer, Michel Gelbart, by Morris J. Kallem. It is signed in pen but I can't read it. Gelbart wrote many Yiddish songs and the art is a page in one of his sheet music compositions that I found today. I think it might be Kallem's...
  3. Middle-Eastern Signs and Symbols

    Good day to everyone :D I would like to ask if anyone has extensive knowledge on Ottoman Turks, Jewish, and roman signs and symbols..??? I am from Jordan and we have a huge number of sites where there are many markings and symbols that lead to many findings (gold and silver coins, gold statues...