
  1. Famous Youtuber is Potentially working on a Jesuit/Nazi Gold Project

    My name is Leeland, and I work with Youtuber, Dallmyd. (12.2M subscribers and over 1.5B views) The last time I posted here, several of you PM'd us to see if we would be interested in tagging along an adventure you had brewing, and some of you were looking for funding. We ended up taking some of...
  2. Any Old Timers Out West Need Help From A Young Blood?

    I've been researching geology/prospecting for nearly 10 years (I'm 26) Not much hands on experience but my research skills are top notch. First place i ever had a notion to check i found a layer of grey clay full of gemstones. After that layer, Huge chunks of quartz/quartzite, granite, schist...
  3. George Washington Portrait on Rock?!?

    Fount this interesting piece that resembles our Masonic 1$t president's $1 portrait and posted it in the identifying forum and was told by a fellow name backwoodsbob to post here, and that some of you guys would enlighten me on a few things perhaps even tell me what it is here I fount. Thanks guys
  4. Treasure of Trinity?

    Not sure where to post this, but Treasure Legends seems to work. I was just reading the posts about Inca gold and remembered a story I heard recently. It was about gold stolen from the Incas from a Portuguese sailor who was then killed on the way home with it. The gold was given to Jesuit...
  5. GOLD!!!!

  6. Jesuit / Spanish markers and monuments

    Good Evening All (or good day depending where you are !) I've been following the threads in here about lost Jesuit / Spanish treasure,mines and the markers that can be decoded. My big question is: How many verified finds have there been from decoding these clues ? I know about the 82 found...
  7. Miners Needle: Hillside Carvings, Symbols, Numerology by Aztec & Jesuit

    I have 100% absolute proof the Aztec was in the Superstition Mountains. I have contacted Arizona Museum of Natural History, The State of Arizona and The Department of the Interior. Hidden in Plain Sight. I stumbled acrossed it looking for something else. After it is Documented... The World WILL...
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