
  1. Hello From Emmanuel Katto Uganda

    Hello TreasureNet Family! I'm Emmanuel Katto, and I’m thrilled to be joining this vibrant community of treasure enthusiasts! I’m an avid treasure hunter and explorer with a passion for uncovering hidden gems, both in nature and history. Whether it's metal detecting, prospecting for gold, or...
  2. Introduction - Hello from Minnesota

    Hi, I'm Marcus. I like the bones of American megafauna. I hunt/collect rock and bone on river and creek gravel deposits on foot and by kayak. I live in Southern Minnesota. :skullflag: Come join this Minnesota fossil group if you are interested...
  3. Hello from North Carolina!!!

    Hi Everybody! My name is Todd Gingerich, I’m from central North Carolina right to the East of the Carolina Slate belt in a small town called Cameron. I’m a beginner gold prospector, I got the fever about 6 months ago and I just love it. I’ve found about 6 grams so far which I don’t think is too...
  4. Northern Illinois Newbie

    Hey, all. I've perused a number of posts and have used this forum to answer a few questions that have arisen in my own searches, so thank you for that! I'm a hobby-lover, so my interests extend all over the place. Most recently, I've really gotten into metal-detecting this summer, some fossil...
  5. Geetings from West Charlotte, NC. Newbie looking for some help/instructions

    I am a retired Design Engineer and am both going crazy at home and doctor says get exercise and to get up an get off my kester. I have always wanted to metal detect/find history and am an avid fan ( much to wife's dismay) of discovery, history channels etc on tv. Right now am looking at a...
  6. New Here!

    Hi Guys! :hello: I'm not a treasure hunter (I Wish!) but I need help ID'ng a piece of Jewelery I came across... I will post that question on it's appropriate forum thanks!
  7. Hello from India

    Hi This is Aashish from India. I love to travel and find hidden treasures. I'm a marketer and blogger by professions. Guide me to this community please? :) Excited to talk to the existing members here. :)
  8. Hello from Middle TN

    Just wanted to say "Hello" to everyone! :hello: I am a married mother of 4.... I love going to the creek and looking for Indian Artifacts, and anything else that catches my eye. I love odd I enjoy photography, reading about history from all sides, fishing, poetry and what we call...
  9. Howdy from the river bottoms!

    Hi! I'm a new prospector hailing out of essentially downtown Riverside, CA. There's not much about me. I like various rocks and minerals, and have recently decided to take up prospecting instead of merely buying/trading, at least for as long as my rebuilt internal hardware will allow! Always...
  10. New here

    Howdy everybody. I'm new to to the forums so I figured I'd stop in and introduce myself. I'm new to treasure hunting and haven't made any finds yet.
  11. Ed "Rezonate" Beale (no, I dont know where to find that treasure)

    Ed "Rezonate" Beale (no, I don't know where to find that treasure) Hello everyone, It's fun to be with a group of like-minded treasure fanatics. My favorite treasure pursuits are hidden in plain sight, like Disney's "hidden Mickeys" gag or stories like National Treasure and Da Vinci Code...
  12. Vaquero User from Austin, TX

    I am relatively new to the metal detecting hobby. I have not attended one of my local metal detecting club meetings yet. In the past, I was an active amateur radio operator, but traded that hobby in for metal detecting. My day job is computer sales, and I am a father of 2 and husband. Happy...
  13. Hello from East Mesa, Arizona

    I live in East Mesa with a prominent view of Superstition Mountain. I started prospecting here in the mid nineties ( the decade, not my age ) when I came here from Colorado to help dad take care of my mom who has since passed away. I used to belong to Superstition Mountain Treasure Hunters...
  14. Greetings To The Treasurenet Forums From Dandridge,TN!

    Hey,everyone! I just joined here recently and decided that this was a great place to start. :) I'm Cody James (or you can call me CJ or "springs" for short) and I'm from Dandridge,TN which has a bit of historical background as some of you may know from Civil War history to the Native Cherokee...
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