info requested

  1. Help to identify the buttons I found while gold detecting please 😊

    Hey guys, while out detecting I dug these all from less than a square meter, makes me think they’re all from the same piece of clothing? Either way would love any info/history on them if you can 😊 1 with nu plus ultra written on it and drawing on the back (First 3 photos) 6 the same size...
  2. Please Help! What kind of coin is this?

    I was doing some backyard digging when I came across this coin. It looks very old, I can't read what it says. Does anyone know anything about this beauty? Trash or TREASURE?!
  3. Looking for others in nothern Nova scotia/ cape breton

    Hello everyone been doing research in the local area Barrio beach/Canso streight and been having a hard time coming up with good information and wondering if anyone knows locals or can help me figure out some questions in regards to old docks and building locations in the area thanks in advance
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