indian head cent

  1. A bunch of finds from the weekend's new permission!

    Had an awesome hunt this weekend over two days on a new permission that doesn't seem to have been detected. There was no trash either which is the best feeling (had 1 modern soda can only)! haha Lots of iron in the ground and had to work really slow to hear anything. Found many of the good finds...

    Went detecting today in a late 1800's park where the city had recently tore out an old tennis court. Have found several relics, 4 indian head pennies, 10 wheat pennies, a merc dime, and this ring. There is a maker mark inside and what appears to be a sapphire stone. Any help identifying if it is...
  3. Found a Nice Early Indian 1864 L

    I went out to my 1830s farm site for a couple hours after a good rain storm. It's been awhile since I have been out digging with the drought here. I tried going out a couple days ago but the ground was so hard I could barely get my shovel in the ground. The 1864 IHC is the best one I've found...
  4. Newbie with a Simplex+ (You've seen this before.)

    Two weeks ago I picked up a Simplex+ after some badgering from a pal. My experience has been good thus far. I've taken to digging everything but audibly low iron signals. I've watched hours of YouTube, and studied forum materials. I'd appreciate any lesser known hot tips if anyone feels...
  5. 1900 Indian Head Cent

    I found my second Indian Head cent this year. Went to an old 200 acre youth camp near my house that was open from the 1920s to the 1960s. I suspect the site is older since I have found liberty nickels here and older bottles. I was surprised to find the Indian Head since I was finding many...
  6. Finding coins

    Been learning my machine. I found where there are pop tops a plenty than these! 14 Indian heads and two large cents! And I think a shilling?

    My 2nd ever Indian Head Penny found CRH!

    Found this Indian Head ender today while picking up some penny rolls from my bank AWESOME never have found an Indian CRH until today!!!
  9. 1901 Barber Quarter Found Detecting an Old 1800s Homestead in PA

    1901 Barber Quarter Found Detecting an Old 1800's Homestead in PA Yesterday me and my buddy got permission to detect this homestead that's late 1800's. So we started this site yesterday for about 3-4 hours and ended up being a good day! I found a 1901 Barber Quarter and my friend found a 1903...
  10. More finds from Riverside Park

    Went back to the park where I've done most of my detecting this year and ran into a club member who usually gets some good finds there and recently unearthed a seated dime at Druid Hill Park. Congrats to John. I hadn't found an Indian Head today and decided to "call it quits", so I made a...
  11. Back to So. Baltimore - First time out in 30 days

    Due to cold weather and snow here in Maryland, I did not get out to detect for a month. I'm sure many of you were in a similar situation. Today's hunt was something of a first for me, in that I found my first Mexican silver coin and the Buffalo nickel was first mint year, the earliest Buffalo...
  12. 1903 Bronze Indian Head Cent Highlight of Morning Roll Hunting

    Well,I got a box of pennies today and decided to go through them early this morning when I got up. Found a few nice mint state coppers and a few wheat pennies as usual. But,the highlight of this morning's roll hunt was uncovering this 1903 Bronze Indian Head cent. It's pretty much just in G...
  13. Election Day Find - A $1,000 Bill!!

    **Updated With Video** Election Day Find - A $1,000 Bill!! Finally got the video finished. Please "Like" and subscribe to my channel, while you're at it. Here it is ... enjoy! Doesn’t it figure that on Election Day 2012, I find a $ 1,000 in funny money? How appropriate and prophetic …...
  14. 1 in 1,000

    After months of asking, my teller finally became convinced I was serious about buying boxes of halves. First time around, she ordered 2 boxes. I go to pick them up already very excited. When she pulls the first box onto the counter and opens it, I see a walker right there in the window. I...
  15. Found 1869, 1886, and 1903 Indian head cents

    I found three Indian head pennies yesterday: 1869, 1886, and 1903. Unfortunately the 1869 and 1886 cents are badly corroded, but the dates are still readable. The 1869 and 1903 pennies were found by running my Ryedale for a second pass over the rejects from 50 boxes of pennies with a 2005 zinc...
  16. Indian Head cent

    I am new to metal detecting. I bought a Garret Ace 250 this month and have used it at my father's house in RI. The house dates back to the 1700's and it has a large area of lawn around the house. So far I have found some old nails, old metal piping, shotgun shell, live .22 caliber short and 8...
  17. 7500 pennies searched (Indian Head, King George VI + Bonus) PICS

    I searched through 3 boxes of pennies. One box was MWR from Garda (Buff, the pic of the roll is in here as you requested). Other 2 were CWR. One bundle was all copper, pre 1992 pennies, but I only kept wheats and pre 1960 Canadians. I also got a funny ender (Lucky penny) so it turned out as a...
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