
  1. D

    Roman coin

    Can someone identify this coin? It is about 1,8cm in diameter and made of bronz.
  2. Mineral Id help

    So I found this today in Masontown, PA outside of an abandoned coal mine. I was looking for kimberlite but this is all I could find. The rock has a lot of mineralization. There are some red spots which I think may be garnets. Not really sure what these blue gemstones are. My guess is either...
  3. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Posters

    Hello everyone, Could anyone give me any information on these posters? These were given to me. I greatly appreciate it.
  4. Can anyone identify?

  5. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Need Help Identifying: 3 rocks smoothed into spheres

    Hello Treasure Hunters and Rockhounds, I'm hoping you can help me identify these three rocks that used to belong to my late father. He was an avid rock and gem hunter and had these three rocks in his collection when he passed away. They are purple, green and brown rocks and all 3-4 inches in...
  6. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Furniture leg?

    Found metal detecting today. It is hollow, has at least three nails in the top. The bottom is very rusted, but looks like it could be a wheel. It’s is an inch wide and about 2 feet long.
  7. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Please help identify this ring

    Hello! I'm looking for information on this ring. So I believe this must be a medallion of some sort because the back side of it appears to be flat. I asked about it on the metal detecting subreddit and someone suggested it might be related to Sol Invictus. I don't have too much information on...
  8. Please help identify this thing! Was 1ft deep!

  9. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Please help identify!!

    Very new to rocks and crystals and was hoping someone could help me identify these! Any help is appreciated!!
  10. I need help with identifying these rocks

    Few days ago I posted a question about some different looking rocks (, when you click on the link you'll see a yellow rock (I think it is yellow jasper). And here is another rock I need to identify...
  11. What is this?

    I was metal detecting today close to Bull Run. Can anybody tell me what time frame these cartridges are from? The diameter across the headstamp is 12mm or 0.5 inches. I also added a 3rd pic showing the headstamp just in case that helps.
  12. I need a pro rock identifier!

    I need this rock identified please and thank you. It has a waxy appearance. From Payson area from what I understand (maybe?) A gift from a friend before they passed. I have been wanting to get it identified and this is my first real attempt. The rock shops near me are closed and I'm super...
  13. Maynard bullet mold

    Despite research, I am still unable to identify the age or model of this Maynard mold. I cannot find one that has the ball and bullet configuration together. Any help greatly appreciated! Thanks.
  14. Anyone capable of deciphering this piece?

    It was found in South America. Front, back, and overhead view. Thanks! artifact collectors, artifact, Identifaction, identify, south america, ancient artifact, ancient, decipher,
  15. New and need help identifying some jewelry

  16. Please help me identify my new rock find!?

    I was cleaning up a property and found this rock (along with some others) around the base of a tree in the front yard. Does anyone know what type of rock this is? It was already cut as you can see in the photos. The brown is an odd shade i haven’t seen before. Maybe an agate? Thank you in...
  17. Please help identify this antique coin odd looking lady with crown?

    This coin appears to be very old, it is very thin and uneven. The image is almost cartoon like which is weird to me... I can only make out some of the letters or symbols on it so I am not going to write them out as it would just be a string of random letters in not particular order. Has...
  18. Can anyone please help identify?

    Found this very worn coin about 13 inches down on a Sandy beach. Can anyone please help identify? Thanks.
  19. Help needed to identify rough stones and chips, thoughts please!

    Hello all, I have little experience with gemstones and found these with a collection of jewellery at auction. Not the most exciting treasure hunt but an unexpected find still! I understand its difficult to tell from photos but can anyone see anything that would indicate what they are? I...

    I would absolutely adore to know what rock this charm is! Let me know!
  21. I need help Identifying

    I found this beauty in Bardstown KY. The rock feels so smooth and unlike many others I have found with Crinoids and such in them. Do you all have any idea of what this may contain?
  22. Help identify buckle

    found this buckle but can't find anything online. Marked Improved cantab buckle. Any help?
  23. 6 Star Button - Need Help Identifying?

    I hope everyone is having a pleasant Saturday. A friend of mine found this button detecting and we haven't had much luck identifying it. I seen an older post from 2013 of someone finding one similar, but no answers on that thread. Can anyone identify this one? You'd be doing us a service...
  24. First Post Alert: Found at the edge of a lake in Lake District, UK

    First post here, maybe you can help me? Please see pics of fragment found at the edge of an especially low period in water heights at a lake in the Lake District, UK. Thinking maybe decorative brickwork... The thickness is uneven, though the front detailed side is very flat. Wondering how old...
  25. Help Identify Liberty & Murphy

    Good afternoon from Maine! New to Treasure Net and have posted this bottle in the What Is It? forum and was directed here as well! Hoping someone can help me identify this bottle or give me a direction to start looking for info on the company Liberty & Murphy, Fall River, Mass. The bottle was...
  26. ✅ SOLVED Is this a coin?

    I found this and need help identifying what it actually is. I'm unsure of the type of metal it's made of. Its heavier than a quarter and real close to the same thickness. There are only 2 visible inscriptions that I can see. One is (C.W.), stamped on both sides, and the other appears to be the...
  27. any idea what this piece is

    Any ideas or input on my find
  28. Found on the.potomac river md

    Can you assist in identifing? The last pic its attached the bottom second from right. Thanksl
  29. Possibly red jasper?

    Hello all, I was wandering around my backyard after several days of rain. A few rocks washed up and I took interest in one in particular. I’m having trouble identifying it. I think it may be red jasper but am unsure. If anything it could just be a cool rock. Interested in what you all may think...
  30. Hello everyone!

    Hello all! I am new to this website as well as treasure hunting. I mostly enjoy going for walks on natural trails and looking for crystals and interesting stones. I intend to take it to another level eventually and go for walks with a metal detector. I actually found a few great stones right in...
  31. What are these rocks?

    So unless it worked the first 4 times I tried, this is my first post on here. I’m not good with geology, but I’ve found a lot of Native American artifacts. These two were found in close proximity. You may not can tell, but the rock in the first four pics has been flaked (given the high impact...
  32. Rocks from Greenland, can you help identify?

    its much harder to id rocks so not having much luck on google.
  33. Gold Gilt Floral Button

    Just curious if anyone has found a button like this. I am guessing late 1700's, flat, large button. Nothing on the back, gold gilted with elaborate design.
  34. Please help Identify the minerals in this geode

    Hi, I bought this geode from a RenFest a few weeks ago and cracked it open. I have been hanging out there a while watching other people crack theirs open to see whats inside. When I opened mine they were surprised to see what was inside. They told me it was a rare geode and a great find. They...
  35. Is this petrified wood?

    My dad and I have a spot we like to go to where we find a ton of Septarian Nodules as well as these yellow rocks. We can't figure out what these are, as they sort of look like wood, but they're the wrong color to be petrified wood and are fragile and like to crumble apart if you're not careful...
  36. What is this rock?

    I got this rock today at one of those places in stores where you can fill a little bag with rocks. I could identify most of the rocks I got but this one is completely eluding me. I've been doing searches for it all evening and I still can't figure it out. It's about the size of a quarter, dark...
  37. Help identifying tan rock black on inside

    Hi guys, I'm new here. Found this forum while doing research trying to identify these rocks. Hi All! These rocks are tan on the outside with black/dark blue/purple on the inside. Very heavy (what rock isn't lol). One is about 6 oz, one is 3 oz, and one is 1.1 oz. I live in east Tennessee, in...
  38. Please help me identify this rock!

    I found this in a cemetary or near a lake, can't remember which it was sorry! It is heavy and seems to have a band all around the edges but looks like a seam? I think it's magnetic and thought it might also be petrified bone? Looks to have crystal or shiny gritty flakes. Was hoping it was able...
  39. Is This What I Think it is?

    Last winter I was detecting at a house that was built in 1783. I found this and I am curious to know what it is. It is 3 2/8 of an inch long and 3/4 of an inch wide. Is it a whistle, musical instrument part, or something else? Any answer, even if it is a hocus-pocus answer would be greatly...
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