
  1. Found 12 diamonds, help ID button please!

    Found this button with my fisher f2. Read gold- silver and had a very strong signal. I can see the gold platting and can see silver from the underside. This appears to be an old button. It’s also surrounded in diamonds. There are 12 diamonds all the same size but some more yellowish and others...
  2. Help to identify the buttons I found while gold detecting please 😊

    Hey guys, while out detecting I dug these all from less than a square meter, makes me think they’re all from the same piece of clothing? Either way would love any info/history on them if you can 😊 1 with nu plus ultra written on it and drawing on the back (First 3 photos) 6 the same size...
  3. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Furniture leg?

    Found metal detecting today. It is hollow, has at least three nails in the top. The bottom is very rusted, but looks like it could be a wheel. It’s is an inch wide and about 2 feet long.
  4. Identifying iron ore?

    Hello, my mum bought this in an auction ages ago because its quite cool and I was just wondering what it is/ how it might have formed? It's cirtainly iron and is very heavy for its size so I wonder if it's quite pure! I half thought it was a meteorite but it dosnt have scorch marks / a layer of...
  5. ✅ SOLVED Identification help please

    Hello, First time posting. I have several items that I cannot identify. I found your site and hope that someone can tell me what some of these things are, if anything. I would appreciate any information or comment that you may have.
  6. Agate?

    I found these amazing rocks in a stream near my house. The problem is, I live in an area where agates are NOT found ever that I know of, and they were all found within 400 feet of each other (I found 4 specimens all roughly baseball sized). I live in southeastern Michigan but Lake Superior...
  7. I need information about my buckle

    So, a week ago I found my first buckle, a quite large and heavy (46.5 g) buckle: It wasn't quite deep because of the very hard soil. I think the pin in the buckle is made out of iron and the buckle itself is made out of copper or bronze. I also think it's of a horse strap. I'm not familiar...
  8. Help ID'ing Nuggets found Metal Detecting River Bed

    Hello everybody less than a week old to metal detecting so bear with me. So I was out on my second ever metal detecting trip with my new Garrett AT Gold and found two nuggets 5 feet apart 4-6 inches down in the gravel bed of my favorite river. Both nuggets were found in an area where Silver and...
  9. Help ID'ing Nuggets found Metal Detecting River Bed

    Hello everybody less than a week old to metal detecting so bear with me. So I was out on my second ever metal detecting trip with my new Garrett AT Gold and found two nuggets 5 feet apart 4-6 inches down in the gravel bed of my favorite river. Both nuggets were found in an area where Silver and...
  10. Gem stone ID

    I found this neat gemstone set in some kind of metal on the sidewalk. It is very heavy for it's size. Any thoughts on it would be great. Thanks,
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