hurricane sandy

  1. My Favorite piece of Sea Glass

    Found this little battered lovely at Sandy Hook on the New Jersey coast right before Hurricane Sandy hit. It’s hard to tell from the picture but it’s a piece of a cobalt blue medicine bottle from Caswell Hazard &Co Chemists based in New York and Newport RI. It’s circa the 1870’s.
  2. Weekly Weaselbrott: Ag October just got a little spookier! (Hurricane Sandy Edition)

    Hi guy! Here are my weekly totals: This came early in the week, and was very pleasant to see. Came from a box. Went to a new territory and found some CWRs. Had only $20 in half dollar CWRs, but here is the first roll The second one was also quite awesome! And the box to close out the end...
  3. Its gettin inside my head.

    It's gettin' inside my head. So Hurricane Sandy is due to hit New England next week. It's supposed to be a HUUUUUGE nor'easter and what am I thinking about? Loaf of bread? Firewood? Candles? Hell no. ALL THAT SAND THAT WILL BE SWEPT AWAY and how FAST I can get to the beach once the wind dies...