
  1. I need some opinions on my homemade sluice box

    Clear Creek that runs outside of Denver was my first panning experience a couple summers ago and netted about 1/4 gram of dust and small flakes just using my pan over a couple months. I was hooked! So I started learning more about other processes and tools and came across the sluice box. To me...
  2. Billybobs trommel build

    Hi all I guess this here will be my first post I'm Billybob, I'm 17, a welder fabricator, wanna be miner, and this is my first trammel plant build after long dreaming about mining and spending far to much time driving heavy equipment I'm going to give this a go heres my shop, its in a 20x20...
  3. DIY Pulveriser

    Hi everyone. I'm just getting into this new hobby. We have to old mines up at our hunt camp with loads of rock on the ground around them and there is still fine gold in them. I guess they couldn't process it. I've studied what would be required and know that I can make most of it: a DIY jaw...
  4. Home-made sand shovel for the beach.

    Just finished making a sand shovel for use at the beach. This one is similar to the ones shown on YouTube (see video below). I used a 42" Poly Pro Tools One-Piece Shovel ($28+), like this one found on Amazon: Poly Pro Tools 42" One-Piece Shovel The most tedious part was the drilling of the...
  5. Clarkston riffle design questions PICS!!

    So I got a wild hair and weled up some new riffles. I based everything off the clarkston research. I used 3/4"x3/4" angle iron and 1 1/2" flat bar. at 3/4" tall they should have been spaced 1 1/2" apart from down stream edge to up stream edge with a 15 degree pitch to them. I am running it with...
  6. Rock Crusher $36 bucks Homemade and tearing it up!

    So after a ton of rock crushing with a pos-thammer and heavy prybar, i decided to do the Google Patents and look at rock crushers, I also looked at buying a 800$ rock crusher. After all of this I decided to build one (took 3 days of goofing off in the garage)! Items: 1. 1947 3" Irrigation...
  7. Lets see those homemade projects and honey holes....

    Let's see those homemade projects and honey hole's.... Well i thought this would be fun to share some of our projects,ideas and pictures of our areas. I'm looking forward to seeing everyones ideas that have come to life and some good looking outdoor areas. This is my d.i.y blue bowl wash...
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