home made

  1. Dredge pump for home made dredge

    Ok I'm building a new dredge . My question is has anyone ever thought about a double suction centrfugel pump on a dredge ? I only want one engine one pump to carry but want the power of 2 pumps. So why not a double suction centrafugal pump I ask .well as far as I can tell they don't exist in...
  2. will my idea for a sluice work?

    I'm currently in Montana, but I am only here for another two weeks. I don't have the money to buy a sluice, or to buy the parts to make one. I was thinking of using an old grill. I was going to turn the grates upside down, so they sit like this \_/ \_/ \_/ I am planning on putting it...
  3. Building a dredge, welcome comments and suggestions.

    Ok so I am new to the forum and new to gold dredging. I see everyone says to buy there first dredge and I'm not, so save it please.. One of my employees has worked for a dive company and done alot of commercial dredging and built venture jets for there dredges. I live in Maine where we can...
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