
  1. First outing at new permission gives nicely !

    Today I went detecting at my new permission. This recovery find ( http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/today-s-finds/514484-when-opportunity-knocks-listen.html#post5110594 ) opened up some new detecting sites for me. Found these two nice old coins there! The sandy soil there is certainly very mild...
  2. New to this hobby…

    I was referred to this forum, a few weeks a go, in a thread on one of your sister forums. I'm signing up, just now, because I had a question which seemed better to ask here, than on any other forum on which I was previously active. That'll be a different thread, after I finish this posting...
  3. Some Charms some Spin and a Boom or two today.

    Got out for a couple of hours of swinging in my favorite yard. Nothing great but it was fun as you can see :headbang: Happy Hunts to you all !
  4. Whats that smell me heartys ?

    Last couple of short hunts finds here, had a potentially smelly surprise along with some screwdriver sign-age ! I like it when the unusual items turn up while detecting :hello2: Also got a Wheat Cent and a little silver heart. Not sure of its age, maybe hand cut one friend suggested, hard to...
  5. Apple Gadget found plus a key !

    Looks like a few people had some frustration, but it wasn't for me it made my hunt interesting vs dull :metaldetector: :headbang: The Apple gadget looks like some sort of music player, bet someone hit a few sour notes when it was lost . And good luck driving your motorbike home with no key...
  6. A nice foreign silver + some variety =)

    Got a nice foreign silver today! It has a little stain from when there was grass around it and given that it was deposited close to a watery environment, I think its still in fairly nice condition. I like all silver in any shape or form :headbang: :metaldetector: :treasurechest: Here is the...
  7. A little play money and mystery item.

    Got a little play money (aluminum) on my last hunt and it sure was not easy to find, had a 12 type light bulb socket and a few other misc items all right together including one of the mystery domes and a blob of lead that must have weighed in at 6 ounces. Think I have found three of the domes at...
  8. Found some "Dead Presidents" small spill !!

    On the way back to the "Treasure Hauling Truck" extended mode hunt and suddenly my detector was going off like mad ! Lo and behold the likenesses of two "Dead Presidents" loomed up from out of the soil ! "Gasp!" Two first for me on that hunt then: 1. Dollar coin spill of any kind ! 2. Never...
  9. Got a Buffalo Nickel and a metal adjuster part of some sort..

    The Buffalo nickel a 1929 (dates hard to read but there) was unexpected read out a pretty repeatable 12 on the ETracs conductive scale, was around 6 inches down. Got a few clad and other nick knacks out there but on the way back to my truck I dug what was a low 30 -31 signal and got the mystery...
  10. Dynamic Duo or a couple of keepers !

    Was able to get out for a short hunt this evening in some of the just rained on sandy ground. Found another silver coin, always a welcome find! It was about three inches down and nestled between a couple of trash items but the 6 inch Treasure Seeker coil , did not miss its scent ! The...
  11. Surprise from the roaring 20s!

    Today it was extremely humid outside and in spite of my head wrap cloth and trying the head shake on occasion to keep the sweat from my glasses still had to stop several times and towel off my eyes and glasses. They had mowed some area that I had been wanting to hunt so I went out and was...
  12. Variety Day !

    The first good target of the day was this awkwards looking multi-tool. I had all-ready filled my pouch up once with dug up crushed aluminum cans by the time this happened. Ran into a nice coin spillage in about a ten by ten foot area. Little ways away I found someones lost keys and then a Net...
  13. First gold of the year and its a pretty one !

    Evey once in a while you get a "Sign" some sort of event or happening that means that todays hunt will be extra special out of the blue ! For today that sign occurred while trying to find a signal, suddenly there was no signal response in the dig, I noticed there was a clump of dirt on the...
  14. Back to the relic zone !

    Got part of a fork that has really long tines today, not sure what type it would be or age, think the copper spoon is much older. Also got what appears to be a mini bullet, my second ever, if I am correct. They are super rare to find out here, given there was no civil war action in this area...
  15. 20OZ of brass and a pocket watch today !

    Here are the highlights had one do not pass me by dig signal which turned out to be an old pocket watch around six inches down. Then a really strange sounding signal that turned out to be a twenty ounce oil plumb bob, just goes to show that it is impossible to tell what will turn up next ! Think...
  16. Superb Wheat recoverd

    'Superb' Wheat recoverd Every once in a while a wheat cent in 'Superb' condition will turn up. It looks even better in your hand than the photo which really doesn't do it justice, the rim feels sharp to the touch even. The clad take was 9 Quarters, 16 dimes, 1 nickel, 19 copper cents(1 was...
  17. "Shocker !!" Found a Military Medal Today !

    Was just another outing digging clad when suddenly ! Had a very good sounding signal and pried open the ground with the screwdriver and stuck my fingers in the dirt and fished out a golden looking shiny with an Eagle on it, "SHOCKER" ! Flipped it over to see writing on the other side, wow ...
  18. Old style phone charm !!

    You know what they say theres always one item of interest, found it with my pro-pointer while digging for another signal =D It reads 15 on conductive on my machine thats just a bit above regular nickels.Got really good nickel count today also ! Hope you enjoyed the post ! Happy Hunting to you...
  19. Were off to see the Wizard! The wonderful wizard of coins!

    Today was a good day to hunt again soil moisture was good but the heat was up just a bit. The aluminum was brutal today tho I ended up emptying my pouch before the hunt was over ! Did find one item of interest, funny how there is almost always one at least !! My wild guess is that the wizard...
  20. I found "Flipper" today ! !

    Found this very heavy dolphin artifact today! Wonder what its uses were? Wild shot in the dark, "Flipper" used as a pipe tamper ??? It does fit into my fingers perfectly when nose down.
  21. Ready, Aim, Fire ! ! Silver Military Medal

    Todays trash: The WWII US Army rifle proficiency badge, was my good find of today. Think this is a first silver military medal finding for me! Quite a thrill it was and unexpected in the ground. Got a 1946 silver dime also so it was a double good silver day ! Total finds for the day ...
  22. Little scouting: but not escaping the dreaded nickel curse !!

    Went to a friends yard today this is the only coin that turned up, think the mosquitoes got more than V cents worth of blood! Looks like the date showing is 1903, maybe should try the ketchup cleaning method ? If it cleans up good will post again, thanks for checking out todays finds !
  23. One of my best ring days ever for old rings found !!

    First I found my biggest ever mans silver ring which was between four and five inches down and then about five feet away there was a signal that was showing up in the 17 to 18 range. It was a faint mellow sounding tone and very smooth sounding in pinpoint mode. For some reason after making a...
  24. Clad and a kids ring, good nickel count.

    At least todays hunt yielded one ring, that read out at 19 low pull-tab range. Got good nickel count. At least there was a nice breeze outside today so hunting was more fun ! Todays Trash : Todays Goodies : Thanks for checking out todays finds ! Have a great hunt !
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