
  1. Clay Marble Hoard

    Clay Marble Hoard

    This is a clay marble hoard I discovered. It contained 34 clay marbles, 3 glass marbles, and several particularly round acorns and chestnuts (not pictured).
  2. Skull & Crossbones Poison Bottle, Huge Clay Marble Hoard, etc.

    Excavated all of this today: From one tiny area I dug 34 clay marbles, 3 glass marbles, and several particularly round acorns and chestnuts (two of them pictured bottom left in the picture above). I can only imagine the acorns and chestnuts served as marble substitutes. Some were so round...
  3. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Maybe saxon please help

    Hi all I found this brooch type thing it has 2 silver coulered stone that have been painted black there would of been 5. I belive its made of copper im not sure. i found this along side another ingot that is rectangled in shape and weighs 61.78gram. So within an area of 3m2 i have...
  4. Help is this maybe saxon

    I found this in bucks uk. It looks to be made of copper and would of had 5 silver stones painted black in but only 2 remain . On the back you can see the fastener. Please any help would be good. I also found another silver ingot within 2 meters of the brooch that is rectangled and weighs...
  5. What is this trident?

    I ask to prompt what is it? what kind of culture?
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