
  1. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Anyone know what it is or what it means?

    I found this pre-COVID and Stearns county Minnesota while looking for agates. Anybody recognizes this or has seen or found anything similar knows what it says or could help you read it. Simply put I found this rock, and brought it home purely cuz of its shape. Months later after cleaning it I...
  2. Theodore Roosevelt Assorted Cartridges and items

    Hi, I’m new to the Forum. I own a piece of property formally owned by Theodore Roosevelt. A friend of mine gave me a metal detector and I’ve been finding so many exciting things. Saw blades, shotgun shells, military rounds, 45/90’s Krags. Any advice on what else to look for? Thanks!
  3. Wreath buckle!

    Digging out a bottle pit today when this police wreath buckle came out! It’s not a true tongue and wreath (like the c.s. Buckles.) It has the belt loop keeper with the old style d shape hook like the old civil war officer plates do. The only thing I could find is that it dates to 1870-1890, but...
  4. Mining Relics of the Mother lode

    Mining Relics of the Mother lode There are relic's from the California Gold Rush all over the State. The pictures in the video are from Grass Valley to Beckwourth and just about every camp or village in between. When Gold was discovered in California in 1848 it started a mass expedition to the...
  5. Mastercraftsmen Furniture Piece

    Hi everyone, I am knew to the forum. I am a fossil collector, and was searching for a map cabinet to store shark teeth. I ran across this piece of furniture just south of Washington DC in an estate sale. As I was moving it. I noticed how incredibly heavy and well made it was, and found...
  6. Shipwreck Woods and other significant woods

    Hello, Im looking for woods I can use to make a pen Im a wood worker, I love wood that has history but i have not been able to Make anything with wood that has history to it, That being said I am making my dad a pen from Petrified wood and meteorite for him graduating with his masters, so since...
  7. ✅ SOLVED Could anyone help date/identify this nail?

    I found this nail today off of a hiking trail that I've found many late 1800s items around. I've looked over several online nail identification resources but haven't seemed to have been able to find a diagram/picture of one specifically like this. Help from someone more knowledgeable would be...
  8. a little help on some old coins?

    would love to know anything on these specific coins, location, worth, historical fact anything at all would be great!!
  9. Thinking about some sites near home.

    I moved to Pennsylvania about 8 years ago and just got back into detecting. I was going looking through some of the history here and found there use to be a 19th century prison in what is now a park as well as a bunch of old 1920's resorts on the top of one of the mountains. Who would I have to...
  10. NFHRR first episode

    first video we are doing as we research different counties there will be different episodes,etc. we also will do short hunt/finds videos as well...enjoy, comment, like, subscribe...TY Silver is out here somewhere!!
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