hell creek

  1. Dinosaur Hunting - South Dakota fun part 2

    Happy New Year's eve to all. I hope everybody has a fun and safe celebration tonight, and prosperous new year filled with many wonderful fossils! Today is also Fossil Friday, and as such, I offer up for tribute my newest installment in fossil hunting adventures.
  2. South Dakota fossil exploration trip - part 1

    Happy Christmas eve, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a prosperous new year! It may be Christmas eve, but its also Friday, which means its a Fossil Friday. I missed las week due to being sick. Today's video offering is from the first day of a long, multi-day fossil exploration trip in South...
  3. Fossil vertebra prep

    It's Fossil Friday, so I have another fossil video ready. This is a prep of the Edmontosaurus neural arch I recovered in the video posted last week. A little background: Edmontosaurus Annectins, 66 millions years old (Maastrichtian) of the Hell Creek formation, Butte county, South Dakota...
  4. Hell Creek fossil hunt

    Its Fossil Friday, and I have a new video out. This is a trip to hunt for late cretaceous dinosaur fossils in the Hell Creek formation of Butte County, South Dakota. Next week, I should have completed a prep video that comes from this hunt. I hope you enjoy!