
  1. Some hardstone

    Visited a collector in Ohio yesterday, here are a few photos.
  2. Large Full groove axe

    My wife and I drove out to a farm to preview a point for a sale. When we got there and I was talking to the farmer, it turned out he grew up not far from where I did - within a mile. I was checking out the point and he was telling me that he found a small axe when digging a well a number of...
  3. Hardstone Axe 1951 looking for history

    Hello, Just looking for any thoughts on age or history of this axe. Thank you, Norm
  4. ✅ SOLVED Misc artifacts from bottom of glacial formed ravine

    Hello, I haven't been on here for quit awhile due to Massachusetts and its long winters which put a damper on my artifact hunting. So on to what I've got now, I can identify some basic scrapers knives grinders ect, however the image below contains the artifacts in question. Any opinions are most...
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