hard rock mining

  1. Lode Gold Mining Intro

    We head back into the mine to do some Lode Gold Mining! Up in the stope, we encounter a rich gold ore lens alongside a dike intrusion. Chiseling into the gold quartz vein is slow going but we end up with some rich ore samples for Jesse to analyze. This isn't just a gold deposit, the vein also...
  2. Plumas-Eureka State Park

    Mohawk Stamp Mill Building
  3. Any Dual Sport riders near Las Vegas into gold prospecting/metal detecting

    Hey Dual Sport riders I sold my 4-wheel drive and could not rid myself of gold fever and neither could my son - go figure. Now we have what I think will be the ultimate get to anywhere vehicles. Looking for dual sport riders who want to explore old mine sites for hard rock gold and I plan to...
  4. Alaskan Gold Cons Available Immediately Til September

    I have about 100 lbs of quartz gold concentrates, more will become available up through the end of summer here in Alaska. For any of those who would like a sample, 1 lb bags are available for $10.00 this includes shipping. Bulk discounts will be available if you want more. You will find...
  5. Question about Processing gold ore in Quartz with Hematite and Manganese

    We have a mine with Quartz stringers that has hematite and Manganese and gold locked up with the Hematite and Manganese oxides. We are in Arizona. Where is the best place to take the ore to get it processed? What would be the best process to recover the most Gold? Any info would be great! New to...
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