Started out the day very slow hiking miles of an old property looking for a suspected old home site according to the property owner. Not a thing was found in the targeted area so we headed back to another spot of high ground. We immediately came over a large area loaded with iron and eventually...
Found part of an old toy gun from the '50's and this clipped 1970 penny all in one hunt! What are the chances of finding a clipped coin metal detecting I wonder? I've found over 500 pennies and this is the only error (that I know of) I've found so far.
Hi y'all! I've cleaned out the old playgrounds that I've found the majority of my finds at... so I looked at Google maps and found a park that I didn't realize existed. What's wierd is that when you zoom up on google, the park name doesn't come up. Just looks like a patch of grass. All the...
Civil war gun parts found on the historic battle field of Franklin Tennessee. My girlfriend and I dug these at a permission located on the front lines of the battlefield. We were bombarded with iron tones and decided to start digging. We started hitting sold charcoal and instantly knew we found...
I want to start by saying this video is only 28 seconds long, so I won't be attaching pictures to this post but I will post pictures of when I get the videos finished. This is just a teaser trailer. Anyways, I finally got around to hitting a spot I researched 3 years ago. Since it's somewhat of...
I bought this gun at an auction and I have been unable to identity it. If anyone has any information on this gun and manufacturer that would be greatly appreciated!
This is by far the biggest rush I've ever had while magnet fishing :headbang: This thing is a beauty folks. Let me know also what you think of the new cone shaped magnet too.
Good evening, friends. John dug for an hour after work today and found this really neat looking brass piece, which we think might be a gun part. What do you all think? Then again, it could be something completely different like a window lock or other mundane thing.There's also a key which he...
Hello again guys. So I've now found a very interesting stainless steel Jalga watch. I am unable to find any kind of picture online of this watch. The only gun related Jalga watches I've found are Python Magnums, which look nothing like this watch. Could someone help me identify this watch?
Hey guys I got a box full of old ammo and I dont know much about these. And especially this one. Any ideas would be great!!! Anyone know anything about it ?
Not sure if this is the right place to post, however, I'm a private collector in NY and am interested in Confederate weapons and accoutrements, both dug and non-dug. Please pm me should you have anything you're willing to part with! Thank you.
Hi, My brother-in-law found this gun 15 to 20 years ago buried outside a Old Judges home in Fort Smith AR. it is very rusty but appears to be very old too, I can not see any markings and am not wanting to clean it up in case I do more damage then good. Can anyone tell me anything about what it...
Recently bought a used tracker 4, took it out in my yard and the third beep on my detector was a Remington model 12 octagon barrel gallery special.(.22 short I've dated it to 1928-1936) Instantly hooked, hope to find more treasures but I'm finding a lot of junk. Need to learn how to read my...