gold rush

  1. Mining Relics of the Mother lode

    There are relic's from the California Gold Rush all over the State. The pictures in the video are from Grass Valley to Beckwourth and just about every camp or village in between. When Gold was discovered in California in 1848 it started a mass expedition to the territory in search of great...
  2. A Golden Cure for Cabin Fever!

    Hey guys, as cabin fever really starts to set in, let this video take you back to the Good Golden Days! It took a few hundred hours of prospecting but I finally found the paystreak! Just 2 weeks after this dredge trip we had ice on the water. We are still currently buried by around 3ft of...
  3. A drive through tour of Malakoff Diggins and North Bloomfield

    Take a drive through tour of the Malakoff Hydraulic Diggings and the town site of North Bloomfield formerly Humbug California. ( TM 005 )our other video of Malakoff
  4. A drive through tour of Malakoff Diggins and North Bloomfield

    Take a drive through tour of the Malakoff Hydraulic Diggings and the town site of North Bloomfield formerly Humbug California.
  5. False signal still lead to a result!!

    Out exploring one of our gold claims on the Fraser River, we got a good signal in a hole... pulled out a little piece of gold with a finger, but it wasn't the signal... signal was some lead shrapnel of some kind, but we will take it!!! Hope you can see in photo. Check us out on...
  6. Costilla County - Colorado RFI

    Last week I purchased 5 acres of land out near Blanca Peak, close to the Colorado/New Mexico state line. It was not until after the purchase did I look up the area and realized that the county, Costilla County, was the first county in Colorado. If anyone has any information on the area, I...
  7. Plumas-Eureka State Park in Winter

    A short Video of the Park I filmed on the 7th of December. Hope you enjoy, Thanks for watching.... Jeff The historic mining area includes a museum in the miner's bunkhouse, the Mohawk Stamp Mill, Bushman five-stamp mill, stables, a blacksmith shop, and the Assay office. Located in Plumas...
  8. Plumas-Eureka State Park in Winter

    The historic mining area includes a museum in the miner's bunkhouse, the Mohawk Stamp Mill, Bushman five-stamp mill, stables, a blacksmith shop, and the Assay office.Located in Plumas County, California, USA Hope you enjoyed the video, Thanks for watching !!!!
  9. North Bloomfield & Malakoff Diggins State Historic Park

    North Bloomfield & Malakoff Diggins State Historic Park North Bloomfield & Malakoff Diggins State Historic Park in Nevada County,California.The site of California's largest Hydraulic Gold mine. Watch this short Video of the Town and the Workings it's a great place to visit !!!
  10. What is the oldest “Seated” you have found?!?

    We have been finding tons of seated coins at on of our permissions. What do you think the reason is? Location? Check out our YouTube channel “Blazing Shovels Metal Detecting” and watch the videos that have “Seated” in the title and see if you can figure out why there are so many seated coins in...
  11. Buildng an old-style "long tom" sluice box

    Some of you will probably think that this is probably a pretty strange post, but I'm planning on building an old-style "long tom" sluice box for display purposes (it will not be used for running any type of material). I haven't had a whole lot of luck finding up-close or detailed pictures of...
  12. Gold dredging underwater for GOLD!

  13. Dredging Idaho for Gold!!!

    Found some good yellow stuff in the River in Idaho.
  14. Dredging underwater I found some gold

  15. Underwater dredge video

    If you like this video then subscribe to get all the new content im going to upload. Just click this link or paste it in the address bar: Underwater gold dredge video (long arming) - YouTube
  16. Serra Pelada Gold Rush

    Here was a modern day gold rush Serra Pelada (English: "Bald Mountain") was a large gold mine in Brazil 430 kilometres (270 mi) south of the mouth of the Amazon River. The mine was made famous by the images taken by Sebastião Salgado showing an anthill of workers moving vast amounts of ore by...
  17. A real gold mining reality show

    Hello. Please see the website here - THE NEXT GENERATION OF GOLD MINING REALITY SHOWS | TrueGold
  18. Gold Rush - Alaska - The Motherload

    I was trying to edit the post and messed it all up. My original post was that I see that someone hits the motherload. I am saying I hope it is Parker or the Hoffmans and not Dakota Fred. The show based on the how they edit it has Dakota Fred rubbing me the wrong way. Fred told the producer...
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