gold ore

  1. Gold silver and PGM multi-metallic ore specimen

    Here's a few of the samples I have collected personally from different properties that I've been able to prospect in the south Western corner of the Carolina slate belt. I have lots more all of which are Gold bearing with visible Au minerals. I wanted to add that I am going to be offering up...
  2. found this today. please help I.D. this specimen

    I'm wondering if this is calaverite , pyrite, or galena. It is very soft - but not as heavy as gold. It shines like silver and gold. Any ideas? Thanks for any feedback.
  3. Alright alright alright

    New to site, thanks for having me, kinda new to treasure hunting, always prospected recreational and just did it the old fashioned way. But got a detector, and having trouble getting in the groove, stumbled across this site and I'm super stoked to be a part of it!! If any suggestions, or help...
  4. Modern Day GOLD PROSPECTOR! Thousands of Hours of exploration can lead to the BONANZA

    Sometimes it can be really hard to keep pushing forward and searching in "vain" but that's what you gotta do! Let's break some trail and find Some Gold! Being a successful gold prospector can take thousands of hours of field work and extreme dedication. We metal detect for gold nuggets and...
  5. Jack Hammer Gold Mining! GOLD MINER pulls TONS OF ORE!

    Gold mining Made Easy, well at least a bit easier ;) Produce tons of rich gold ore in no time! We bust out the electric jack hammer and get to work on the vein! Gold mining takes fortitude but this jackhammer makes life much easier for the gold miner!
  6. We cut some gold ore into Cabochons. Came out nice!

    I collected some ore from deep down in a mine last fall. This stuff was quartz rich and stable which made it suitable for cabbing. Something to think about for highgrade specimens. Makes some nice jewelry.
  7. Lapidary from Gold Mine to Cut Cabochon!

    How to cut GOLD ORE Cabochons. We found these specimens deep in a mine⛏ and turn them into jewelry.
  8. She found Super Highgrade Gold Ore with her Eyeballs!!

    She's got laser eyes! Chunk of extremely rich gold vein found. Prospecting with this gal is unbelievable, so far she has found 4 pieces of gold just with her eyeballs. Now we need to find the vein. A ton of this same material would be worth around $500k! Wouldn't that be nice.

    How would you develop this vein. A declined tunnel from here? A short shaft then drift? Supposedly the ores get richer at depth in this area but it sure is nice being closer to the surface! We proceed to jackhammer out buckets of gold bearing rock! Now this is what it's all about! Hope...
  10. How to find Gold Ore, It all starts with a Hole in the Ground!

    Reopening a rich historic gold mine. This is one of many shafts that we are working on. This is my personal Rags to Riches tale of what it takes to find that Motherlode Gold! We're still working on the riches part ;) How would you deal with that huge slab that is ready to fall in the shaft...
  11. Guys asked for some dirt, so here it is!

    Today we dive deep into the bowels of the earth and pull out some virgin lode gold vein material to process. These hardrock veins are the motherlode gold source of placer deposits nearby. Some prospectors asked for lode material to process at home so here it is
  12. Heading down into a new Gold Mine

    Hey guys, I'm starting a new little series on this mine. We will document the exploration, sampling and gold production, should be pretty interesting! Check it out if you would like. Please join us on the adventure.
  13. Lode Gold Mining Intro

    We head back into the mine to do some Lode Gold Mining! Up in the stope, we encounter a rich gold ore lens alongside a dike intrusion. Chiseling into the gold quartz vein is slow going but we end up with some rich ore samples for Jesse to analyze. This isn't just a gold deposit, the vein also...
  14. Gold Veins Arrowheads and Prospecting for GOLD!

    Hey guys. Prospecting might be the best thing to do in these uncertain and germ-y times! Fresh Air, no crowds and GOLD! Let's go Prospecting:3barsgold: Today we're in Southern Colorado. I show and explain some of the key features I look for while out finding gold veins and arrowheads. I'm...
  15. Boulder Colorado small rock ore crusher NEEDED ASAP!

    I’m in Boulder area and have some ore to crush/pulverize... :find: Happy to hire someone with small crusher get it done. About 30lbs total... Will be furnace smelting this material down and getting that shiny stuff OUT! :goldbar: Please let me know if you know anyone near Boulder or front...
  16. Gold Prospecting Challenge Accepted!

    This was actually pretty interesting and fun to try. Do you think you could pan for gold blindfolded? Depending on your skill level, it may be easier or more difficult than you might think. Give it a go, it can be entertaining.
  17. In Search of the Lost Hobo Mine, Mine exploration Colorado

    Thought you guys might enjoy this trek into an old abandoned mine here in Colorado. Chest deep snow and a harrowing descent into the old abandoned mine shaft! Is this the squatters fabled gold mine!? The story goes; "There is a long haired scruffy fellow, living in an abandoned gold mine here...
  18. shiver me timber

  19. please, can anyone tell if this is gold in my rocks?

    p I live in an old mining town near Sutter's Mill/Mine & Governer's Mine; both known tfor recovery of gold. I have read so much about gold ore and seen pictures and watched videos but nothing substitutes experience which I know many of you have. I have more rock pics to. I have broken up a lot...
  20. California Desert Hermit

    My name is Bob and I spend my days prospecting for gold. This is a new adventure and I look forward to sharing it with you all. Treasure Net is the best gold forum I've come across so I've decided to join. As soon as I get the camera to work correctly I'll post a few images of my recent finds...
  21. Honeymooner Accidental Gold Prospectors in the California Mother Lode

    Hello Treasure Hunters! Moved this thread to the Gold Prospectors forum--sorry, I'm new and I didn't see it beforehand. Best Regards, Melissa, in California
  22. HEADLINE: "Ship with 700 Tons of Gold Ore Disappears off Russia"

    :skullflag:Posted: Oct 30, 2012 8:57 AM EDT Updated: Oct 30, 2012 8:57 AM EDT By Associated Press MOSCOW – A vessel with a nine-person crew and 700 tons of gold ore onboard has disappeared in stormy seas off Russia's Pacific Coast. The ship sent a distress call on Sunday as it was sailing...
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