gold gilded

  1. Cleaning Gilt Button with Lemon!

    I wanted to share this with you all on here because I was blown away by the result of cleaning this early 1800s button with a lemon rind. I had found this button last November and just now got around to cleaning some of my gilt finds. I could tell this one had a bit of gilt still on it when you...
  2. 1917 Merc w/Full Split Bands? & the nicest cellar holes I’ve seen

    Didn't have much time today after work. So i decided to just drive to a few cellar holes i have marked in Gaia as potential sites. Just to see how i would access them or who i would have to ask for permission. I drove down a road that's 10 minutes away from where i live, that i have apparently...
  3. Button Found

    Found in CT would like to know anything about it 2 Piece no back mark visible
  4. Button from 1814 Louisiana Plantation

    Found this flat button with no back marks. Does the square shank give a clue to age range? Should I be excited or do they sell them at Wally World? I would really appreciate some feed back on age. Thanks!
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