gold adventures

  1. The Nugget Hunters Six Detector’s to Gold

    The Nugget Hunters Six Detector’s to Gold Click here for Video Me and Gary @Two Toes and Hugo head up to the Hills to test out a few different Metal Detectors on a spot of hot bedrock. Gary Has his Minelab SDC 2300 and the White's TDI, Hugo has his Minelab GPZ 7000 and a SDC 2300, and...
  2. Finding Gold at the Marshall Gold Discovery Site ( Sutter's Mill ) California Gold Rush

    Finding Gold at the Marshall Gold Discovery Site ( Sutter's Mill ) California Gold Rush Click here for Video Ever wanted to find Gold at the spot that started the California Gold Rush in 1848 ? Well come along for a tour of the Marshall Gold Discovery Park and Sutter's Mill along the banks...
  3. Drone Gold Prospecting Using a Drone to find more Placer Gold Nuggets

    Drone Gold Prospecting : Using a Drone to find more Placer Gold Nuggets Click here for Video while looking for new Prospects with Gary @Two Toes and his Drone we noticed a high bench and a push zone ( area where the Gravels get pushed up onto the Bedrock during times of high water )...
  4. Flash in Your Pan !!!

    I join the show live for the first time !!!!
  5. 2020 North Yuba River Nugget Hunt ( a day in Pictures )

    A Photo journey into the happenings of Saturday July 25th 2020 at Tim's 2020 North Yuba River Nugget Hunt !!! There were many prospectors in attendance and I didn't get pictures of everyone as they came and went thoughtout the day. There were plenty of metal detector's running and Gold Pan's a...
  6. 1/3 yard run from my A52 super sluice

    Hello everyone, This is my first full season of prospecting. I started late last season without much luck. I first started finding gold last year on the outside bend (yes I know wrong area) and stuck with that spot, thinking there wasn't much else in the area. Yesterday I came back to that...
  7. First Gold

    I take a short trip to the Feather River to find Gold ( First Gold ) of the 2020 season !!! I didn't want to let Gary ( Two Toe's ) get to far ahead on the Gold Count !!!!! Thanks for watching
  8. Plumas-Eureka State Park in Winter

    The historic mining area includes a museum in the miner's bunkhouse, the Mohawk Stamp Mill, Bushman five-stamp mill, stables, a blacksmith shop, and the Assay office.Located in Plumas County, California, USA Hope you enjoyed the video, Thanks for watching !!!!
  9. Pls help identify

    I found this where gold is mined
  10. High Sierra Gold

    High Sierra Gold Join Jeff and Mike as they look for Gold and Treasure in the High Sierra's , Watch as Jeff finds a .45 Gram nugget.
  11. Trail riding & Bedrock Busting for Gold

    Trail riding & Bedrock Busting for Gold Take a trip with Jeff and Mike as they go on a trail ride up in the Sierra's to look for some Gold trapped in Bedrock. My first try at doing a prospecting video for my YouTube Channel it was a lot of work and a lot of fun to do !!! Hope you enjoy it
  12. Virginia Gold Nuggets

    In this video me and my friends do a little gold prospecting and panning. At the end of the video a couple of us show some nuggets found right here in Virginia!
  13. Sun is shining and theres gold to found !

    What up mother load gold seekers havent posted in a bit just seeing what up in the t net. ! Im in Eldorado co. area AMRA member just itching to get out ,all my good prospectin buddys workin full time and me not so much !
  14. New Treasure to be found

    Please spread the word! Divorced Man's Treasure I have hidden a treasure from my ex-wife and now want to share it with the world and not her. It is my way of getting back! :thumbsup: To Whom It May Concern, As of today I have 50K in cash and I was able to locate the treasure at Discovery...
  15. unknown rock

    Hi everyone, Good day! This is my first post in here, Thank you for the privilege I could create one. I am not actually to be in this forum. I was searching for a method on how to earn money online. I have read and downloaded several topics and ebook and get tired and exhausted of all...
  16. Camping/Hiking/ gold in Nome, Alaska

    check out a new developing camp ground off the beaches path in Nome, Alaska gold, hiking, camping, fishing, wildlife & more LDRadventures gold mine we'd love to hear your thoughts?
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