gold adventure

  1. Recruiting Historians and real Treasure hunters

    Howdy all, I'm a creative producer. A few years ago I was here because one of my Youtube clients was in need of something new - and so I set to work building big ideation for him. It ended up evolving into something much bigger than a Youtube video however and instead of working with a Youtuber...
  2. Bedrock Crevice Detecting on the Yuba River

    Click here for Video Bedrock Crevice Detecting on the Yuba River Let's Find some Gold on Mother Yuba !!! We head back to the Yuba River in search of those elusive Gold Nuggets. We are armed with the Minelab SDC 2300 and the White's Gold Master V-Sat that gives us both a Pulse Induction...
  3. Found an OLD axe and crowbar in old trading route -- please help identify!

    Hi TreasureNet folks, I'm trying to figure out the origins of this pick axe and crow bar we found while exploring an old trading route. The pick axe has markings... maybe a "forge mark?" Does anyone have any insights, or even pictures of other axes they know about that match this one? Would...
  4. Interested scanned place OKM Rover

    Hello, im new in this forum and i was looking for information about pictures scanned with OKM Rover uc. The place is in the mountain with history. There is a big rock with (i think signs, looks there is a like a man with bow. Тhe entrance is probably a little bit up with entrance clogged with...
  5. Hydraulic Pit Gold Detecting

    Hydraulic Pit Gold Detecting Metal Detecting a Hydraulic Pit for Gold Nuggets !!!it's road trip time with Jeff & Gary ( Two Toe's ) as they head deep into the Sierra's in search of Gold Nuggets and Treasure !!!In this adventure the guys head to a Hydraulic Pit to look for Gold Nuggets and...
  6. The Nugget Hunters !!! Preview

    Join in the search for Gold Nuggets in the California Motherlode with Nugget Hunters Gary ( Two Toe's ), Prospector Jerry ( California Motherlode Prospectors ), Jeff ( Smithsgold ), Bedrock Bennett, and JC ( Minin Hawaiian )as they search for elusive Gold Nuggets. The Nugget Hunters COMING...
  7. Uwharrie National Forest NC.-Troy, NC Gold Outing- You Going?

    Join us, a group of 30 miners for an outing on May 17th at the Uwharrie National Forest for Freedom Dig Six. This will be a prospecting trip filled with fun, live music, raffles and prizes and decent gold. (regulated to Panning and sluicing only) No Metal Detecting unfortunately(Forest Service...
  8. Lost Treasure Forbidden Gold

    Hope you all enjoy Gary's New video It sure was fun to film !!!!!
  9. Trail riding & Bedrock Busting for Gold

    Trail riding & Bedrock Busting for Gold Take a trip with Jeff and Mike as they go on a trail ride up in the Sierra's to look for some Gold trapped in Bedrock. My first try at doing a prospecting video for my YouTube Channel it was a lot of work and a lot of fun to do !!! If you enjoyed the...
  10. Ohio Dredging Video 2016

    Our good buddy Dan-O Found a hot spot down at Bills Pure Gold and invited us to his secret hole! Here is the video link:
  11. Ice soon!

    Well everyone, we had a blast during the summer mining season of 2014, I see most of you from the western states are doing well! Keep in mind I live in Ohio where it is slim pickings here :BangHead: But we do what we love and that is what matters most! I know I will keep producing videos as long...
  12. Noob gold prospector from northern ca

    Hi, me and my fam are new to gold prospecting. We just went on our first trip to Iowa hill yesterday and had tons of fun. we didn't get a lot of gold, but we did see colors on every pan. Any suggestions on good spots to go to? I'm really excited to be here. Hope to not just find gold, but...
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