
  1. Turned $31 into $375 in Gold and Silver at Townwide Yard Sale (50 Cent Jewelry Bin)

    Take a look at my finds from a recent townwide yard sale / garage sale. Three houses had jewelry bins priced at 50 cents per item. For just $31 I was able to find a total of $375 in gold and silver. I always try reselling the jewelry instead of melting it. I would rather the pieces find a new...
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    We found this up near Mariposa, Ca. Metal detector detects a precious, but i need help. Can anyone tell me the name of this rock?
  3. I had a dream!

    Hello everyone! I am brand new here and to the metal detecting community in general. That being said, I had a dream today and I NEED to get started. I don’t even know where to start with metal detectors, but I know what I am looking for (generally speaking). I am looking for a metal detector...
  4. Need help salvaging Spanish beached wreck, or how I can go about doing it.

    About 40 years ago my grandpa worked for a construction company. As they were building they learned of a wreck sitting on the land the were building on. They worked for a day or two on it but as they dug the tide just filled up the hole. They got a drill and the drill pulled up blackened wood...
  5. The Bearded Prospectors

    G'day from downunder, A mate and I have started a Facebook page and YouTube channel called 'The Bearded Prospectors'. It is a light hearted fun look at Prospecting in Australia. So check out our sites and be sure to like both of them if you enjoy it...
  6. The Bearded Prospectors

    G'day from downunder, A mate and I have started a Facebook page and YouTube channel called 'The Bearded Prospectors'. It is a light hearted fun look at Prospecting in Australia. So check out our sites and be sure to like both of them if you enjoy it...
  7. The Bearded Prospectors

    G'day from downunder, A mate and I have started a Facebook page and YouTube channel called 'The Bearded Prospectors'. It is a light hearted fun look at Prospecting in Australia. So check out our sites and be sure to like both of them if you enjoy it...
  8. Seeking a Gold Sniffing Dog

    Hello My name is Jennifer, I am an Associate Producer for Travel Channel’s original series, EXPEDITION UNKNOWN. Our team is filming a story on Fenn’s Treasure this June. We are currently looking for someone who has a gold sniffing dog located in the Taos New Mexico area. If you know of anyone...
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