glass bottles

  1. Avon glass bottle

    Avon glass bottle

    Avon empty glass bottle of after shave
  2. Avon glass bottle

    Avon glass bottle

    Avon empty glass bottle of after shave
  3. 1910 house

    My family is purchasing a house from 1910 the house is still there along with a lot of newer modern junk and scrap where would be some good places to find more valuable items in and around the house any help or info would be great thanks
  4. Hello from New Orleans!

    hey yall! im Shimoji and im a completely amateur antique bottle hunter (and whatever other old things i can find). Right now im nostly walking the park lagoons and the mississippi river getting LOTS of old broken glass. Im interested in doing a privy dig and trying to find the old town dumps...
  5. Can someone help me date and value some old Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola bottles?

    A while back, I found some old Coca-Cola bottles and an old Pepsi Bottle. Two of the Coca-Cola bottles are clear with a hobble-skirt design. On one side they say "Coke" in large letters, "Trademark ® 10 FL OZ" underneath. On the other side, it says "Coca-Cola" with "Trademark ® 10 FL OZ"...
  6. 16 historical items found buried in my yard!

    Thanks to the kind folks on this forum I was able to identify a cast iron ball I found as a cannon ball, and I found another person on here who had found the same 1930's-era nail polish bottle as me. All in all I've found 16 interesting, many of them antique or vintage, items buried on my...
  7. Need help identifying/dating glass bottles for middle school history class

    Hi! When Hurricane Matthew came through north Florida last October, it pushed over some trees on my parents property in Jacksonville, FL. In the root system of a large oak I found several pieces of glass, including bottoms of jars and bottles. A month or so ago, during low tide I pulled a few...
  8. Hoppes No. 9 bottle, and an unknown?? Any info would be appreciated!!

    I found these 2 bottle's along with about 30 other different kind's. I have found a sweet spot for bottle's, most of them are broken, but I have found quite a few that are whole. Sorry about my ugly mug in the photo's, my good camera is missing, so I am stuck using the webcam!! :BangHead:
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