
  1. German 800 silver from Antique Store

    Drove my son to Montgomery, Alabama to hang out with a friend. After dropping him off, I got to explore some thrift and antique stores. My best pick up by far (and one of the best of the year) was this 800 German silver gravy bowl. Priced at $18.00, it weighs in at 535 grams. It looks like the...
  2. ✅ SOLVED German glass

    Hello! I'm trying this site as my own searching has turned up nothing. I got this mug (Stein?) in a box of other glassware I wanted at a yard sale - as I didn't want this piece I plan to sell it on eBay but I can't find any information about it. I don't like selling things without being able to...
  3. 1998 German bedweiser

    1998 German bedweiser

    1998 German budweiser
  4. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Unidentified medal

    After much research, I have not been able to gain any more information on this medal. Does anyone know the history of these medals? Thanks!
  5. Big Blue German Bennington Marble

    Was digging at one of my spots today and unearthed this big blue ceramic marble. It is 1.25 inches in size, and is the largest clay marble I have ever found. These big salt-glazed clay marbles were made in Imperial Germany by the millions starting in the 1870's. They came in several colors...
  6. German Token?

    I found what I believe to be a token (could be a coin but I doubt it) in Luxembourg. The area I found it in dates back to medieval times but has everything in between. It measures around 2 cm in diameter. I think it might be german given how similar the 20 looks compared to other german coins...
  7. German token (know any date)

    I found this German coin/token metal detecting. I would like to know a date from it. I’m assuming it came back from WW2 maybe, not sure looking for help.
  8. Some coins and buttons

    These are a few finds of mine over the past few weeks. pommel of a WW2 knife i believe. Very old buckle hinge napoleon coin (very rough condition) Prussian button (front and back) Old watch (date stamp either 1847 or 1947) Old glass bottle and either decanter top or candlestick holder 1922...
  9. Is this ww2 German Valve or Crane Steel valve?

    I just bought this and the guy said it was a rare 3rd Reich German bronze gas valve from Auschwitz. 100% authentic and told me the the A on the back meant it was from Auschwitz. It wasn't until after I Purchased it that I then did my research and found many forums saying these are an old Crane...
  10. German medal dated 20 - 8 - 29 with person's name.

    Any information would be appreciated. Thanks. Has 20-8-29 date with name engraved on back.
  11. German Grandfather Clock (circa 1890)

    Inherited this clock from my parents who purchased in Düsseldorf, Germany at an Estate Sale in 1965. They thought it may have been 70-80 years old at that time. There is some printing / markings on the back of the clock face but difficult to read: 6N793 R4176 HW JHECANRNA MIT GERMANY (I don't...
  12. German Grandfather Clock (circa 1890)

    Inherited this clock from my parents who purchased in Düsseldorf, Germany at an Estate Sale in 1965. They thought it may have been 70-80 years old at that time. There is some printing / markings on the back of the clock face but difficult to read: 6N793 R4176 HW JHECANRNA MIT GERMANY
  13. German Weyersberg Kirschbaum & CO Solingen Bayonet

    I was given this bayonet a couple years ago and I didn’t think much of it. But recently I rubbed some rust off and discovered it has Weyersberg Kirschbaum & CO Solingen on it. I looked up the company and found out it was a German bayonet probably made around the early 1900s. I’ve found nothing...
  14. German Weyersberg Kirschbaum & CO Solingen Bayonet

    I was given this bayonet a couple years ago and I didn’t think much of it. But recently I rubbed some rust off and discovered it has Weyersberg Kirschbaum & CO Solingen on it. I looked up the company and found out it was a German bayonet probably made around the early 1900s. I’ve found nothing...
  15. Authentic Prussian Long Service Medal?

    I bought this Prussian Long Service Medal a few months ago and just wanted to get a general consensus on if it's original or not. I don't know why my pictures are flipped, but if better quality pictures are needed please let me know! Also, if someone knows of a good web page, book, etc. that has...
  16. Original German M34 Helmet?

    I picked up this German M34 Police Helmet at an antique shop a few months ago. The decals look old and are stuck to the helmet very well, the leather is dry and worn, the inside of the helmet appears to be stamped "Edelstahl", and the helmet appears old as well, but I just wanted to see if...
  17. Franco-Prussian War Medals?

    I recently bought a pair of German medals that I honestly know very little about. The price was good and they looked authentic to me so I decided to take a chance on them. I did a little research and found out that the medal with the ribbon is a German or Prussian long service medal for 25...
  18. WW2 Nazi DAF Book?

    I recently stumbled across this interesting WW2 Nazi book. I believe it's DAF (German Labour Front) as it has the appropriate logo on the front of the book and includes stamps inside the book along with details about the laborer I'm supposing. I don't know much at all about this book and any...
  19. ✅ SOLVED WW1 Iron Cross Real or Fake?

    I recently bought a WW1 Iron Cross 2nd Class off of eBay. I have an authentic WW2 Iron Cross 2nd class so figured a cross from the first world war would go well with it. However, when I received the medal I noticed that it appeared thinner than my Iron Cross from WW2. I tested the core, which is...
  20. Wilhelm II Deutscher Kaiser Medal?

    I recently purchased a bundle of German medals online. I am familiar with all but this one which is titled, "Wilhelm II Deutscher Kaiser" on its front side. I know that similar coins or marks exist that share the same imagine of the Kaiser on the front side, however this item has a loophole as...
  21. Need some help to ID

    Hi all, first post on here but had an exciting first day back from the winter. I'm living in Bavaria Germany and pulled this out of a field near my house. It's definitely handmade, heavy. Any thoughts? Maybe a small pommel of sorts? Thanks!
  22. WWII medallions / German propaganda tokens - Need help identifying

    Hey all! I recently came across a seller that is getting rid of this lot of WWII paraphernalia. I know that the white cloth with the eagle is a swatch from a Luftwaffe sport vest, and the cross medallion is a US marksman's medal, but I can't seem to find any info on any of the others. I only...
  23. Sword ID - Ottoman Empire German style WW1 Saber

    Hi everyone! I am not a collector – I would just like some help with an identification. My father-in-law is from the UK and has a sword that has been passed down from his grandfather who fought in Germany circa WW1. We are not interested in selling it, and are more interested in its origin...
  24. Newby from Namibia

    Great to join your forum! Lets kick it of with a question: Found a .22 rifle cartridge with the letter H stamped on the back. Close by also found a shotgun shell with sauer 16 Berlin stamped on. Site has a German military history. Could anyone perhaps ID and give an aprox. date? Thnx
  25. Roman coins and Nazi German pin DRK found with Fors CoRe and RS Pinpointer

    Roman coins and Nazi German pin DRK found with Fors CoRe and RS Pinpointer
  26. Pre 1976 Salt-Glazed Stoneware Stein - Rosenau Brewery

    Hi there! Picked up an old German stein from an estate sale that looks to be from the Rosenau Brewery. There is no mark on the bottom. From what I understand, this was a brewery in Heilbronn that merged with the Cluss brewery, which then closed in 2010. I've seen a number of glass pieces...
  27. German WW2 WWII m42 Helmet....Camo Painted? NEED IDENTIFICATION

    Just found a m42 German helmet with original liner and chinstrap. I think I see markings on inside of steel helmet that read "32 1519". I believe it has original light blue or aqua paint. Is this a type of camo? Does anyone know what this might signify, if anything at all. Any help would be much...
  28. Rare German Baden Land Post 12 cent Stamp (Mint)

    deleted Did not know how to delete a post. So i just edited it and removed my images. I will continue listing as a full member. Thanks all....
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