
  1. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED How Do You Tell The Difference?

    Hey everyone, Hoping ya'll can help me understand the difference between a meteorite and natural iron. I doubt that I'm lucky enough to have found an actual meteorite but how does one tell without being able to cut it in half to look at the internal structure? I've attached images of a "rock"...
  2. A Very Tiny Mystery

    Hello wonderful fossil-people! I usually hang out in the Native American Artifacts forum but today I'd show up here instead. If you and you're gang enjoy solving a groovy mystery, I have a post for you! This rock was found in an area of Northern Arizona that is very well know for producing lots...
  3. First Float Copper! Surface Find

    While checking out a possible homesteading site we weren't finding much. Best relic was a copper oil lantern lid/wick adjuster jobby. Rest was junk from back country parties and fisherfolk. So, disheartened, I was kickin stones on the way back to the car when I spotted that unmistakable...
  4. ROCK meets SCISSORS

    I just thought that would mane a good title... has nothing to do with the images... (or does it?) ... I have been working on cleaning the hardened sand that covers this agate(?), it's like concrete... little by little I have been oiling it with mineral oil, and toothbrushing away the...
  5. This deserves it's own thread...

    I recommend viewing on as large a screen as possible... now tell me what you see... if you zoom in on the face paint for the first head that faces left (bignose)... zoom in on the line of face paint that goes down from his eye through his cheek... that face paint is a white haired man wearing a...

    PLEASE USE A LARGE MONITOR IF YOU CAN... The Pictures are self-explanatory... plus I'm just gonna submit this topic first before an hour is gone by... then I will edit... I'm no photographer so I hope it's clear enough... I'm working on making a negative print of the translucent dark shot...
  7. If its not amber, what is it?

    Howdy everyone! I was given a pile of what was thought to be amber. Used the salt water test and guess what!?!... nothing floated. So my question is, if its not amber,what is it? They're kinda heavy but they all have the amber color when you shine the light on them. I thought maybe glass but...
  8. Help Identifying a Rock

    *To preface, I originally posted this in "What is it" and one of the nice people who replied said that I may have more luck if I also posted in here! So, I was looking through old family items since I had nothing else to do at home and I just wanted help in trying to identify a rock. For...
  9. Help with Maryland Rock IDs

    I'm super new to rock identifications so a little direction and help would be appreciated! I found this rock in Maryland along a stream. I haven't done an official hardness test, but it appears very soft. Speaking of which, does anyone have a good rock kit recommendation? Or what should be...
  10. New to Rock Hounding

    Hello! I decided to create an account here in order to help myself identify rocks I have found. I am very new to rock hounding so I know nothing about the accurate identification of the most basic rocks (like quartz... or is it quartz?). It is my goal to become more proficient in rock...
  11. I believe these to be meteorite? Can any one more experienced please help me identify

    These passed the tests of appearance and also magnetic. What do you all think? Are they meteorites?5[/ATTACH]
  12. What is this rock?

    Hi all. I'm Nadine and this is my first post. I came upon this specimen, and several others like it, in the dumpster. I live in Colorado and a local mom & pop Jeweler's shop recently closed due to the owners passing. When the family cleaned out the shop they threw away countless things of value...
  13. What is this rock

    Images: Basic tests so far/ observations Small black crystals are seen on the surface of the stone Is partly magnetic. Holds a magnet to the surface. Scraped the white/pinkish crystals to get a powder, and used vinegar to test for calcium. Tested side by side with...
  14. Cinnamon Stone?

    I found this stone in Timmendorfer Strand, Germany, at the Baltic Sea. Can someone tell me more about it, please?
  15. Help to identify this rock

    The rock is an inch long and weighs approx. 20 grams. It feels very smooth. It is a rusty brown color with a bit of a gloss. I'd be so grateful for any help!
  16. We Found a Huge Smoky Amethyst Crystal

    Check out this huge amethyst crystal dug up in North Carolina
  17. Gold markings?

    First off, I'm sorry the pics arent great. The microscope I have is for coins. Not good for this. So I was going through a rock heap from the quarry. I found these and naturally made me curious. Yal may know straight away, but I have no idea. The larger (about 1/2 inch) one looks like paint...
  18. Rock formation

    My son brought this over, wanting to know if I could find out what it is. I thought u could find out on my own so I didnt get the best pics for you guys, I couldn't find anything. It almost looks like and feels like flint but not sure. The layers are confusing, I want to think it might be...
  19. Rocks found in dirt basement in house built in 1850 in Mass

    I posted before but found a pile of all different types of rocks buried in our dirt floor cellar. It appears that someone put them there. Any insight would be great. I took close ups of a few and then a bunch of them. Thank you. Happy New Year!
  20. WTF is this?!?

    I was digging a pond in southern Georgia and dug this up any idea what it is
  21. Formations

    This may be silly but I have no idea what causes this and it is just so odd. Some will have weird looking pieces in it or round holes where pieces are gone. It's all wavy and there is a lot of this red in most. I assume from the clay. I'm just curious. If anyone can offer ideas, I would love...
  22. :blob1: detecting I found this rock gem ore. I need help identifying it.:blob1::blob8

    I think its some kind of polybasite or silver minerals or lead. It is very heavy this one rock weighs 20 lbs. I'm a novice in geology. Please help me identify this. If anyone has a tip please any information is so helpful.
  23. What is this??

    I found this rock/artifact, no idea what to make of it. :icon_scratch: Any help identifying it would be greatly appreciated. A little bit about it: It looks like a rock, the checkered pattern looks like its metal plated, the blue material/mineral reacts to UV light. The survace has a V and is...
  24. Please help me identify these rocks I

    Each picture is of a different Rock specimen I found in my backyard in an ancient Creek bed.
  25. Any info about mine(s) near Temecula, Ca- Vail lake? I found something today.

    So excited I had to sign up and post. I was hiking near Sage/Vail Lake today, basically looking for rocks and tailings piles. I stumbled across a nice pile, then I discovered that it had a deep horizontal mine, so far that I couldn't see how far back it goes. It looked like it may have had a...
  26. Can Someone I"D These Please

    [B]Found while digging in my yard in Southern California[/B]
  27. General geology- how did these formations come to be?

    I'm just curious if anyone could explain, geologically, some of these rock formations. Just a curiosity. I understand some very basic fundamentals, but everything I know is piecemeal from a few years of googles research. I understand sedimentary rock is a cumulation of years of compression...
  28. More Finds From Yesterday, Tennessee UNKNOWN ITEMS HELP

  29. Which geological book would you recommend?

    :hello2: I would like to find a good geology book. I have tons of good fossil books. But I would like to learn more about geology and identification of rocks/minerals/gems. Texas is where I basically look. I do not use a metal detector (as of yet). Any recommendations would be appreciated if you...
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