gem identification

  1. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Need HELP with inherited collection

    I inherited a large amount of lapidary equipment and boxes of stones. I was able to identify many of the agates but these last few rocks I am having a hard time with! Any help is appreciated and I will answer any questions as best I can! I do not know the location that any of these were found...
  2. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Need HELP with inherited collection

    I inherited a large amount of lapidary equipment and boxes of stones. I was able to identify many of the agates but these last few rocks I am having a hard time with! Any help is appreciated and I will answer any questions as best I can! I do not know the location that any of these were found...
  3. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Help Identifying translucent stone please...

    Found in Sweetwater, TX
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