gem hunting

  1. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Found this rock

    This rock caught my eye, found near the waters of the st Lawrence river in quebec, canada. After a quick rub it looks sandy-ish or something if you see the detail, its about an inch big and it got me curious as to what this may be exactly if anyone knows.. i have no idea other than maybe some...
  2. Looking for abandoned mines and gems in north carolin.

    Hi I'm new to the site and to treasure hunting. Me and my buddy were looking around for some abandoned mines to sort through the rocks they cleared out , as well as to look for gems and maybe pan over the summer/spring break when classes don't get in the way. We were primarily looking in north...
  3. Gemstones in PA

    I just joined and I’m more interested in gem hounding. I live in Allegheny County and I’ve only been able to find decent mines / sites around Eastern PA. I don’t really want to travel over 2 hours for a place, does anyone have recommendations? Thanks!
  4. Gem Hunting Crash Course

    Hi world, I'm new to prospecting and was wondering if anyone can link me to a couple of websites that can help me learn more about it. I'm more interested in gem's after traveling the coast of California and meeting people making and selling jewellery along the beach city's. I love the outdoors...
  5. Gem Hunting Crash Course

    Hi world, I'm new to prospecting and was wondering if anyone can link me to a couple of websites that can help me learn more about it. I'm more interested in gem's after traveling the coast of California and meeting people making and selling jewellery along the beach city's. I love the outdoors...
  6. Heads Up Rock & Gem Hunters

    If you live in or like to travel in MD (starting point), DC, PA, VA, NC, DEL, NJ, KY, OH, WV & TN Areas, Your welcome to tag along on one or all of our adventures.. (Some Camping maybe required) Although we would love to invite you to our family gatherings.. when we head in all those...
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