
  1. native american artifacts (franklin/roanoke)

    I'm local and have for years been wondering how to find others with similar interests. I have a nitof an anxiety issue but I try not to let that affect my passion still I have yet to make any connections. It would be great to hear back from anyone else curious as me , anyone who has stories or...
  2. Flawless Ben Franklins Found in the wild!!!

    Hi, I found 2 BU franklins, a 1961 and a 1963. absolutely beautiful looking. The 1961 in particular is almost flawless, with what looks like full bell lines. I attached one pic that shows both, but the rest of the pics are all the 1961. I'm wondering what I should expect to get for this coin...
  3. First Franklin found

    Loomis box, 1957 in G to VG state, within the first $100 checked. Hope the rest of the box is good. Guess this puts if the new Loomis boxes are culled.
  4. First box of halves 9 oz. silver

    I was in California two weeks ago and picked up my first box of Kennedy halves at Chase bank and found (15) 90% silver coins (14 from 1964 and 1 Franklin from 1963) and (24) 40% silver coins from 1965-1970. I picked up $190 in rolled coins from another branch that day and found 3 more 90%...
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