
  1. Bahama treasure found near Walkers Key

    Follow along on Youtube with "The Outdoors with Carl Allen" Exploration Here is a few recent finds. August 2023. They bring up more every week or so.
  2. Found Antique Bell, can anyone help ID?

    Hello, new to the forum. Hoping someone can help me identify this antique bell (At least we assume it's a bell) we found on our NH property. There appears to be "EV" carved into 2 corners, not sure if that would be a maker mark or something else... There's also a metal rod with a loop on each...
  3. First Post Alert: Found at the edge of a lake in Lake District, UK

    First post here, maybe you can help me? Please see pics of fragment found at the edge of an especially low period in water heights at a lake in the Lake District, UK. Thinking maybe decorative brickwork... The thickness is uneven, though the front detailed side is very flat. Wondering how old...
  4. I hope I've picked the right forum for this. Has anyone heard of a find of bars in...

    Has anyone heard of a find of bars of gold-silver amalgam in a cave in the US? I recently read about this story and wanted to find it because my dad is interested in reading up on it. A fellow actually found this treasure. According to news reports the find consisted of bars of a mix of gold...
  5. My Detecting Finds from Feb. 6th to March 6th, 2018

    Here's a photo of my best metal detecting finds from February through March 6th. Center: metal teddy bear which snaps open and reveals a bright brass-colored compartment with the word "Charlie" inscribed inside, on top of the bear is a 1935 "20k (gold) and sterling" lady's class ring from...
  6. Very strange Stone .. FOUND

    Very strange stone .. FOUND! Colors: Brown, Yellow, Grey, White. Found in Germany.
  7. ✅ SOLVED Small square with hieroglphics

    Seems to be of either copper or brass. Found metal detecting around a house built in the 20's. It has been abandoned since the 80's and is in the middle of the woods. Property goes back to the mid 1800's, but original house was torn down and the current house was built. Found in Venango County...
  8. In desperate need of an honest investor!!!

    Hello everyone, removed.
  9. What is this?

    I found this thing on my way home from work. I really don't know if it's a genuine arrowhead or if it's just a stone? What do you guys think? I found this in sealand, Denmark. The widest part is 2 cm, and the longest part is about 4 cm. The two first pictures are taken from the front and the...
  10. Raise your hand if you have found the Lost Dutchman Mine.

    Through the years many people claimed to have found the LDM. Even now there are claims of finding the mine on other threads and more claims of finding it in the future. What I want to know is what clues did you find that says this is it? Keep your location a secret but tell us what you found...
  11. My First Class ring

    Saturday i found my first class ring and tonight I was able to talk with the owner and the ring is in the mail to him he lost it around 92 /93 before he graduated. He thought he would never see it again. Man I can't tell you the feeling I have right now being able to return this to him
  12. 15 $5 stamps on a envelope

    Some time ago I found a bunch of old stamps in a house I was cleaning and being a stamp collector for many years I knew I found some real good one.My question I hope somebody can answer is what is the most $5 scott # 834 on a letter???The one I found has 15 $5 scott # 834,one 50 cent scott #831...
  13. Strange Rock Found. Need Help!!

    I found this rock by this creek that isn't even a mile away from Lake Erie. It was cool looking with the Water Horse egg look. The rock was very heavy too. When I found it, the rock had a crack straight down in the middle. Since I'm not an expert and I don't collect rocks, I decided to crack it...
  14. Heads up in So Cal (stolen Deus)

    A fellow member and good friend of mine had his backpack stolen and inside was his Deus. If anyone see's a Deus for sale from the San Diego area please let me know so I see if it's his or not. He's not very happy as you all can imagine. Not only did he spend A LOT of time learning/mastering it...
  15. 5 Rings: Was it Skill, Luck or ATX? You Decide

    Two weeks after the New England's deep freeze put me into hibernation it went north for 3 days. In its place came a blue sky, temperature hitting 49, melting snow, and 15mph winds…it was time to go detecting. I was off to a less popular beach with a detecting partner. We had been to the small...
  16. Iron Forged Horse Shoe Historical Distric San Antonio Texas Alamo.

    I was digging a utility pole hole , and dug up an iron forged horse shoe about 4' down in the ground . I have pictures of location, equipment, and horse shoe if anyone should be interested. It would make a nice conversation piece as far as having a lucky horse shoe. email....
  17. Can anyone identify this?

    Hi, I just found this site and joined. I was hoping someone could help me with identifying this rock and future finds. I found this in Northern MT. My guess would be some kind of Indian hammer, but for a little kid since its so small. It obviously used to have a strap or something tied around...
  18. My buddy found a gold coin without a metal detector

    I received a call from a good friend of mine, who knows I collect coins. He was walking and kicked a gold 1903 British Half-Sovereign out of the snow in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. He didn't know if it was real gold or not, so he called me. (I can only wish to be so lucky.) He told me to come by...
  19. hand made knife found

    ]I found this old knife at a ghost town from around the 1800's that is located in new mexico some where around the town of hillsboro. I found it while walking around in side an old cabin like building i was looking around when i reached up an grabbed on to one of the cross beams on the ceiling...
  20. "I have 2 halves, but..."

    Went to about 5 banks today. Picked up about $30 in pennies and asked around for halves. At the last bank, the teller explained "I have 2 halves, but they are both really ugly." She then tried to offer me the better looking Eisenhowers in her tray. I said I'd take the ugly ones. Sure was a...
  21. Colorado Bottles 6-21-12

    Went huntin bottles yesterday, hot,dry,extremely dusty,wild fires burning,we even have an arsonist running around the county,who has set over 10 fires in the last 2 days,Hope they catch him SOON !!!!! $#@. Anyway it was a hard day of lookin for bottles,very dusty,our eyes were full,but we did...
  22. Check those gopher holes !!!!!!!

    Last weekend took the girlfriend out walking this little creekside dump. I noticed alot of new gopher holes,I told her to remmeber to check the gopher mounds for coins and tokens,.Well no sooner than I said it,,she reaches down and picks up this SWEET little Denver bottle :headbang:,,,, Can't...
  23. Whites Coinmaster metal detector found a half dollars in silver today video

  24. A Big Yellow Diamond (I wish!) in Western Australia.

    The Garret AT Pro had found me a tiny silver 1952 threepence (an Australian pre decimal coin) and the usual junk. I was sinking into thick, smelly, black mud and was about to move to another area when I got a good signal (Pro Coin Setting). Kneeling in dirty water up to my neck and digging down...
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