fossil id help

  1. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Is this fossil in nature?

    Wondering what would cause this pitting.
  2. Partial Paw Print.

    Hi, my name is Deb. I'm a rockhound. And I've been focused on fossil finds lately. Well I found this partial paw print in the creek behind my house (nashville tn) and was wondering if anyone could help identify what it is from. I'm thinking a dog. But would like to make sure before labeling it...
  3. Need help identifying please

    I have a ton of inherited artifacts and fossils that I don't know much about. My parents died 11 hrs apart as a result of COVID 2 years ago this month and left a ton of stuff like this. I know very little any help is much appreciated. Thanks in advance. Found around east Texas area.
  4. Large, heavy bone

    Found in a river bank. Very heavy. What is it from?!
  5. Fossil Identification?

    I found this fossil in New York. Does anyone know what type of animal it could be from & how old it would be? Thanks
  6. Xenolith... or something more? Help please :)

    Look, I found a thing! My guess is its a xenolith, although others have suggested its some kind of fossil. It was found near Vancouver Canada. What do u guys think? Can anyone ID this rock?
  7. Weird find in the Black Hills of South Dakota

    While out gold panning I found this weird shell like fossil? It feels like shell material. Slightly brittle on the thin edges. It was lying in the dry creek bed. Maybe someone here can identify it.
  8. Possible Fossilised Tooth

    I found this tooth at around 6 inches deep in the middle of the woods (pretty much rules out it being a modern toy) in Southern Luxembourg. It was next to an old creek but nothing else was found at that site other than this. The biggest animals over here are foxes and wild boar and it cant be...
  9. I Think it's a Fossil?

    I found this item 8 inches deep in a metal detecting hole in a park in Luxembourg. I find tons of Devil's toenail fossils (Gryphaea) in the area which are an extinct oyster species but I've never found anything different. Like I said I'm more of a metal detecting guy and know next to nothing...
  10. I Think it's a Fossil?

    I found this item 8 inches deep in a metal detecting hole in a park in Luxembourg. I find tons of Devil's toenail fossils (Gryphaea) in the area which are an extinct oyster species but I've never found anything different. Like I said I'm more of a metal detecting guy and know next to nothing...
  11. Anybody???

    I'm a lapidary artist and a lifelong rockhound and I cant tell if this is a fossil or a mineral formation? size approx. 1 1/4'' in.
  12. Strage rock, identification help?

    As I walked past this, i thought it was a monster turtle! Anyway, i think this may just be a unique variant of what my parents always call "kettle rocks" or "widow makers" but im unsure. Y'alls input would be greatly appreciated!
  13. What type of fossil is this?

    What type of fossil is this? [SOLVED] A family member gave me this fossil a few years ago. I believe they said they found it on their property in Arkansas. Can anybody tell me what type of fossil this is, how old it is, and what it may be worth?

    This is my first post here so I hope everything is shown(pictures, short video). I found this while fishing the Cedar River near Austin ,Minnesota. At first I thought it was a turtle head up for air, then I realized its a strange looking fossil. maybe its coral , but I haven't found anything...