
  1. I found this but I missed the blue moon!

    Wow! I am finally cool, been waiting since high school!
  2. A ..."WTH?" kinda day.

    I'm not sure if I should bother with a long detailed story so I'll try to keep it short. After getting my two little ones on the school bus and having to take my oldest oldest to get a cast for a broken ankle I headed out without a plan and just felt the need to stop at a place I had had some...
  3. Foreign Object???

    Last week I came across a thin foil like metallic sheet that is about the color of tin foil but has a violet tint/ overtone to it. This sheet will also flex itself back to its original shape when folded or crumpled. If anyone could give me more information on how to proceed with an appraisal or...
  4. My First Silver and My First Foreign Coin

    With my discriminate set at just below nickel I got a solid tone with a bit of a crackle. I flicked the trigger on my Tejon forward to enable the second discriminate set just under screw cap. She still gave a solid signal, but I could hear that bit of iron. I decided to dig. I pulled the plug...
  5. Coinstar silver.

    Today at Shaws I got about 50 foreign coins and two USA silver dimes (1963,1952d) in the the Coinstar reject tray. Thanks,
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