fluid bed

  1. Fluid bed sluice design

    Looking for some advice on this design for a fluid bed sluice. This is kind of based on the "Snake River EXPEDITION Fluid Bed Sluice." I will put a metal mesh between the two sets of holes as a screen. The holes going into the chamber ate .6 inches in diameter and the end of the water funnels...
  2. Dream mat or Fluid bed grizzly gold trap

    Hello fellow gold enthusiasts!! So it’s time for me to sell my old standard riffle system sluice and upgrade to a better system. I’ve done quite a bit of research and narrowed it down to either the ten inch dream mat sluice or the Grizzly fluid bed sluice. Just wondering what everybody’s...
  3. Pan American Pulasator Jig

    Pan American Pulsator Jig Back in 2010 Enlitnd1 posted some pictures of his gold mill, picture attached. The pictures included an image showing a duplex Pan American pulsating jig. What is unique about the picture are the flutter valves used to drive the jig. The only thing driving the jig is...
  4. DIY Fluid Bed

    Since I did my Bazooka Gold Trap post I noticed that some people were unfamiliar with the concept of a fluid bed. Well a fluid bed is very useful to anyone with a large amount of concentrates. It will quickly turn your buckets of concentrates into a cup of super concentrates. How a fluid bed...
  5. Setting Up Your Bazooka Gold Traps

    We've tweaked and reformatted the Bazooka Instructions, adding a few pointers as well. We'd love for you all to take a look.. And if the Bazooka Guru's here see anything missing, please feel free to post suggestions. http://www.bazookagoldtrap.com/content/BazookaInstructions.pdf...
  6. The Miner

    (Hopefully) users will post their comments and questions about the Miner models in this new thread.. :thumbsup:
  7. The Prospector

    (Hopefully) users will post their comments and questions about the Prospector models in this new thread.. :thumbsup:
  8. The Sniper

    (Hopefully) users will post their questions and comments about The Sniper models in this new thread.. :thumbsup:
  9. Gold Cons Vibrator

    So there i was thinking about making a vibrator/ fluid bed for gold separation .. looking at patents and searching out boards and we had one that no one took any further! astonishing but guy's! Build it if you think it may work!..lol Anyhoo.. there i was...
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