
  1. The secret lives of Florida’s crocodiles: study reveals long-distance commutes

    Preliminary research provides rare insight into the reptile’s habits and movement across urban landscapes New research has revealed surprising details about the secret lives of crocodiles swimming through Florida’s waterways, including the long distances some travel in search of food and...

    On July 10th while at clearwater beach (Exact location in photo) I lost my iPhone and was hoping that someone who lives in the area or is planning on being in the area could try and check to see if the phone is maybe somewhere in the sand. I'm almost certain that the phone was stolen from out of...
  3. Indian Artifact Magazine Vol 17-1 1998 Canoes in Florida's Past by Michael Chaplan

    Canoes in Florida's past by Michael Chaplan
  4. Thomas Ruck shipwreck piece?

    Hello! Hoping this is the place we can get some answers. We acquired this piece in 2022 for display in a museum, but have not been able to determine much of its provenance. As you can see, the item was listed as from "1650" but the description was that it was part of a collection seized from a...
  5. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Large anchor found

    Hey there everyone I found this anchor while diving the other day. I found this anchor in the middle of sand with no natural reef or bottom witching thousands of feet of it. I grew up treasuring hunting and shipwreck diving. So a couple of questions, any idea of what era it may be from? It’s...
  6. Florida Water With Applied Lip

    Florida Water With Applied Lip

    This is a Florida Water bottle with an applied lip. It probably dates from between 1890-1910. Excavated from anaerobic clay on Feb. 9th.
  7. First arrowhead!!!

    Found my first arrowhead today in northwest Florida! Been looking and digging test holes on our property for a while and have only found a few flakes and broken pieces until now. This one was barely covered with dirt. The field has been plowed and cultivated in the past. It has a broken tip, but...
  8. westside park

    westside park

    old rest stop
  9. westside park

    westside park

    old rest stop
  10. westside park

    westside park

    old rest stop
  11. westside park

    westside park

    old rest stop
  12. westside park

    westside park

    old rest stop
  13. westside park

    westside park

    old rest stop
  14. westside park

    westside park

    old rest stop
  15. westside park

    westside park

    old rest stop
  16. westside park

    westside park

    old rest stop
  17. westside park

    westside park

    old rest stop
  18. westside park

    westside park

    old rest stop
  19. Went back out to the Treasure Coast and found something...

    I drove back up to the treasure coast on Thursday, stayed the night, and metal detected over 10 miles of beach between the two days. I found most of the same, rusted fragments of metal and random junk like fishing lures and even a portion of a dresser drawer a foot deep in the sand, but I did...
  20. Pitted rock??

    Found this pitted rock in a field in the Florida panhandle. Any ideas??
  21. Weird rock found in FL swamp

    Found this on the banks of a large cypress pond/swamp in the Florida panhandle. It is not metal! Any help in identifying what it is would be very much appreciated.
  22. 2nd Seminole War Fort Material

    Anyone out there familiar with the bricks that the Forts made on location apparently (as their requests for bricks from up North were denied) and what to look for etc? There are two locations were I have personally seen these bricks and at Fort King they have almost identical on display that...
  23. Seminole wars in Florida

    Any Seminole War time period hunters in Florida and/or historians etc. I have been doing a lot and a lot of research on this topic kicked off by finds mostly. While there is a lot of info, it typically leads to MORE questions than answers. Finding old clay fired bricks in unusual locations...
  24. 1890's era old town site in Central Florida finds

    Some various finds today at an 1890's era town site in Central Florida. The suspender looking piece made it all worth while, not sure on the other stuff so much. The shard with appears to have some kind of art on it did ring up as metal. The round shaped "ring" thing had a small hole at the top...
  25. 1st REAL find/ Military button?

    Hello all, I've found plenty with the naked eye, but this is MY very 1st metal detecting find that isn't a pull tab or junk. I am guessing Navy button? Found where a town existed in the 1890's (Per the County Map) and is now a park. I believe this more than likely to be from one of the...
  26. Need help identifying possible tusk?

    Hello new to the forum I found this in sw Florida recently I’m not sure if it is a tusk or possibly a tooth any help would be greatly appreciated!
  27. Ocala

    Any good hunting in ocala? I'm here till Wednesday .
  28. Any one interested in a Real Treasure Hunting Club

    My name is Ricky I'm 38 and live in at Pete Florida. Wanted to see if there would be an interest in starting a real deal treasure club. I love to dive and love History I would love to start a group of like-minded adventures If this sounds like something that you're interested in please reach...
  29. Back yard find.

  30. What would you do ?

    Metal Detecting Florida wilderness I look up and boom. What would you do?.:find:
  31. What happened here???

    What happened here?
  32. First finds ever. Now I'm hooked

  33. ✅ SOLVED Small skeleton key found on treasure coast beach

    Small skeleton key found on treasure coast beach [SOLVED] Toy key My dad found this on the beach, im not sure what it's made of (cast aluminum, pewter?) But curious how old it might be! especially considering the ship wrecks in the area, though I dont think it's related. I cant really...
  34. Found while metal detecting one of the Treasure Coaast Beaches.

    Found this on a Florida Beach. I am new to the fossil world. I Found this yesterday while metal detecting a Florida Treasure Coast beach. I think I know the basic answer, but always value more knowledgeable information. Thanks
  35. Treasure Fever--La Trinite

    The discovery of a legendary, lost shipwreck in North America has pitted treasure hunters and archaeologists against each other, raising questions about who should control sunken riches. "As technology renders the seabed more accessible, the hunt for treasure-laden ships has drawn a fresh tide...
  36. Detecting after Dorian

    Hi All, While it's not entirely certain where hurricane Dorian is going to hit, it's a good bet that the sands on the treasure coast in Florida are going to shift. I want to head out there after the storm (assuming roads are passable and it makes any sense to do so) and see if anything washed...
  37. Looking for help from Treasure Coast hunters

    I am headed to the east coast of Florida next week to visit relatives and there happens to be a storm currently forecast to impact the Treasure Coast at the same time I will be there. I have some basic information on the 1715 fleet wrecks and where to go, but looking for guidance and advice...
  38. Don Felipe plantation in ocala, fl

    I am trying to locate the old don Felipe plantation that is suppose to be 2 miles nw of ocala, Florida. Can someone point me in the right direction. I have looked and looked Thank you
  39. Sunken Treasure and old skeleton found in Florida

    An old skeleton was uncovered in the dunes by a construction company and about 100 yards away 1715 Fleet gold was found by treasure hunters in the ocean. A week of discoveries: Sunken treasures and human remains | 32963 News, All News, Featured News Secondary, News | Vero News
  40. Orange County Parks Metal Detecting Permit

    Just found out that, they issue lifetime permits. However, the info I need to apply, fees involved, etc., is nowhere to be found on the website. I did submit an e-mail request for this info to them. Knowing how fast (read:slow) government moves, does anyone here have any info on this that care...
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