
  1. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Any gun experts able to identify the age or model of flint lock this is from?

    Any gun experts able to identify the age or model of flintlock gun this is from?
  2. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Please help with Trigger Guard, Blank coin?& button back

    these are some more finds from my 1800's abandoned town site. Where i have found civil war military relics the soldier brought home and so much more. I'm fairly certain #1 is a trigger guard, but from what? Rifle or pistol? could this be a military issue weapon someone brought home to go...
  3. ✅ SOLVED Flintlock weapon hammer?

    I am pretty sure I have dug the hammer to a flintlock weapon, based upon the round screw set on top. I have never seen a flintlock hammer with a solid front face, I thought the flint was normally pinched beneath the screw set and stuck out front. Anyway, not sure about what type of weapon this...
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