flea market

  1. World Series Champions, All-Star Autographs Found at Yard Sale for $1

    Check out what I found at a yard sale. The seller was planning to throw away all of the items at the end of the day, so everything was priced to sell ($1 per photo pack). I knew that these packs had to be worth something based on their age and seeing Mickey Mantle staring back at me. What I...
  2. Flea market finds after it’s gone

    So in my neighborhood they use an old closed off to cars but not people parking lot, they are only there Friday through Sunday. During the week sometimes I go and look throughout the parking lot.. last week I found two gold necklace and a bunch of junk. Today I found a diamond earring, a Fitbit...
  3. Three Dollars Spent: What Are Your Unbelievable Flea Market Finds?

    I dig all of my bottles but I buy all of my jars. I know that some might not consider this to be treasure hunting in its purest sense, and in ways I'd have to agree with them. But, I have only ever found two or three jars that weren't broken in all my time digging, and they weren't anything...
  4. Indoor Flea market Jewlery Finds

    One of my favorite vendors always has a $2.00 box full of individually bagged jewelry. She is always replenishing it and I love rummaging through the box for treasures. I found three treasures; 1) Cimaruta .800 pendant - it's marked 800 on back. No makers mark. 2.75" long, 2.25" width...
  5. Just returned home from Brimfield, MA

    I don't know if this is the correct forum for this post, but I thought that the regulars that post/read here would appreciate it the most. I just got back home from the ultimate "Flea Market" which is Brimfield, MA. I set-up in a small field last Monday afternoon, staying there all week. I...
  6. Flea Market Sword - HELP!

    Hi guys! This is my first post to treasurenet. I absolutely love this site! I have been following the site for many years now. Today, I went to a flea market/fall festival in Central Indiana. While walking around, I saw a small sword that caught my eye. Often time, I will see swords and they...
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