flat button

  1. A bunch of finds from the weekend's new permission!

    Had an awesome hunt this weekend over two days on a new permission that doesn't seem to have been detected. There was no trash either which is the best feeling (had 1 modern soda can only)! haha Lots of iron in the ground and had to work really slow to hear anything. Found many of the good finds...
  2. First flat button and copper awl!

    Found this flat button today and also what is likely a copper artifact (awl).
  3. My first surface find, flat button, minie ball? and pewter button?

    Hunting this spot that has loads of history from early 1600's and before. Native American and Colonists. Its right where a river meets the ocean. So these banks are eroding into the water. First time i have found a flat button just sitting on the surface like that. The rocks and ledge almost act...
  4. 1917 Merc w/Full Split Bands? & the nicest cellar holes I’ve seen

    Didn't have much time today after work. So i decided to just drive to a few cellar holes i have marked in Gaia as potential sites. Just to see how i would access them or who i would have to ask for permission. I drove down a road that's 10 minutes away from where i live, that i have apparently...
  5. Buttoned up the day with a Gilt Flatty

    Spent the morning creek walking for native pottery and arrowheads. No luck, so moved to metal detect an old permission I hadn’t been to in a while and saved this old button and a few other do dads.
  6. Flat Button “Best Quality”

    So happy to find this website today. This is my first post here so if I need to add other pics, please let me know. I found this outside my house today. I’d love to find out approximate age for this button. Our house was built in 1900 and we have been finding some cool things over the last 6...
  7. Unusual Flat Button

    I went back to the 1830s site for a little bit and found a couple more flat buttons. I have never seen a concave flat button and couldn't find any like it in my search. It has the usual markings on the back "Rich Orange Gold Colour". The front is plain.
  8. Unusual Flat Button

    I went back to the 1830s site for a little bit and found a couple more flat buttons. I have never seen a concave flat button and couldn't find any like it in my search. It has the usual markings on the back "Rich Orange Gold Colour". The front is plain.
  9. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Flat button Id

    Little cuff button I found and assumed it wasn’t really flat button era but no harm in asking. Says cross London on the front and Birmingham on reverse.
  10. First hunt, sunburst flat button

    My first hunt with my FORS CoRe and found these two small flat buttons, and the larger sunburst button. Excited to have begun this hobby and found a local group to hunt with.
  11. First flat button & other relics!

    Headed back to the cellar hole today, the house was used during the civil war as a headquarters/ fort. I’ve pulled bullets, eagle buttons, and other items from here. The signals are becoming few and far between. Very hard to find anything worth digging so I’ve started digging every tone no...
  12. First flat button & other relics!

    Headed back to the cellar hole today, the house was used during the civil war as a headquarters/ fort. I’ve pulled bullets, eagle buttons, and other items from here. The signals are becoming few and far between. Very hard to find anything worth digging so I’ve started digging every tone no...
  13. My recent button finds !!!

    I found a Stippled I Confederate Coat Button back marked Manchester, and a very large flat / dandy button with no markings.
  14. help on small flat button needed

    Found this 1/2 flat button in a CW site north of Atlanta. What would be the age or era of this flat button? What would a flat button this size be use for?
  15. hunted reported Union civil war camp site in Atlanta

    my son and I hunted an area where a local guy said his neighbor used to hunt in the 70's and found lots of CW relics. A 1864 map of the Union and Confederate position show a Union division headquarters a mile south of our hunt area. So we figured a good site. My son found what looked like old...
  16. Is this a Colonial era Flat Button?

    Not sure exactly what date it is. Flip side is slightly concave with No Markings. Colonial settlers were in this region. It was near a stream, which I will be returning to to sweep over more territory. Thanks and Happy Hunting
  17. Flat Button ID Needed

    I recovered this Flat Button today(11.26.2019), in the Morriston Community, just outside of Petal, Mississippi... I am hoping that someone here can help me to put a year or year range on this button, and if the bust is of a particular person, well it would be great to know who that person was.
  18. Old Flat Button... please help ID or date.

    I found this last week... last hunt with my Quicksilver before I got an ACE 300 from my family for my birthday. The picture below is brightened up a bit so you can better see the details, The graph paper is about 5 squares to an inch, but I'll attach a better picture with a penny or something...
  19. Unidentified flat civilian button

    Found this civilian flat button today. No markings. Any information about it that you guy's can share would be appreciated.
  20. ???? Colonial Button ????

    **Cleaned the button since posting this thread. Definitely NOT colonial, word BEST on back of button.** BUTTON 1901 INDIAN HEAD PENNY SMALL FLAT BUTTON SQUARE NAILS I dug this pretty little button today. Since learned word BEST on back. I also dug a few other buttons and a 1901 Indian Head...
  21. Wampum?? Talisman/Amulet? Other? Flat Button. 1683 Property, Mass

    Hi friends, John found these two items today. A flat button and something we can't quite figure out yet. Looking forward to your input. Thanks for looking! -Lisa & John
  22. Flat Button and a Mystery Item--1683 Property, Mass

    Good evening, friends. We are enjoying reading about your finds--feels good to know that even though we may not find exciting stuff on a given day, others are! Anyway, John Doug for a little bit after work today and found a flat button and a strange looking button type relic, connected by a...
  23. Brass Buttons Military/Civilian?

    Earlier this week I was sweeping for nails in one of the horse paddocks and started turning up all sorts of buttons. Originally I thought they were off contemporary horse tack, but I found two large cents, one 1817 and one 1844. The buttons seem to be from around the same time, but I was...
  24. Help identifying a "Flat Button"

    While detecting in Avondale, Pa (Chester County). I located a flat button I'm looking to identify. It has markings on the back that says "Double Gilt" And a "Crown" insignia. The front of the button is blank and flat. Any info would be appreciated.
  25. I think this is a Flat button or dandy button. ID Please

    Just wondering if anyone can id this flat button.
  26. First Flat Button (loop intact) (Warrenton VA)

    I am a newbie but loving it. I posted a week or so ago about my Parrott Shell find and today my 4 year old son and I hunted a friends farm right down from our house in VA. Found my first flat button with the loop intact. Was about 4" down and close (few feet) from where I found a dropped...
  27. NC Spanish Reale find! HAPPY NEW YEARS DAY 2016 - Carlos III 1/2 Reale

    What a HAPPY New Years Day 2016 hunt. This is a FIRST ever for me, discovering a Spanish Silver. My wife got me a pair of Grey Ghost Deep Woods headphones for Christmas, and I was out validating them again, with more successful results. I was hunting Rolesville, NC, Wake County's second...
  28. Coin/flat button identification needed

    Found this in central Louisiana on my parents land and I'm not entirely sure what it is. I thought it might be a token or a flat button?

    WOW, yesterday really had me praying in the dirt, here is what I gave thanks for: a silver washed concentric circle "bullseye"? lead filled ROSETTE, two flat buttons, one with silver color gilt and dimple on front, the other smaller like a cuff or sleave. The best find was a cut copper coin, I...
  30. Flat Button - On A Revolutionary Road in CT

    Hi, I found this Flat Button within 100 yards of "Ethan Allen Highway" which is, among other things, the route the British took after sacking Danbury and returning to Norwalk CT. Its also just south of the skirmish known as the 'Battle of Ridgefield'. It registers a solid 70 on Garrett ATP...
  31. Buttons and unknowns

    Results of club hunt Our local detecting club held an outing today at a city park in Baltimore. I would appreciate any help you may give in identifying the buttons I dug today. The 2-piece eagle button has an "A" on the shield and the backmark reads "EXTRA RICH", "M&?"; it is 19+mm in diameter...
  32. Square button?

    Looks like a flat button This came out of the ground corroded. It was put through a limited electrolysis and then a copper cleaner. These two steps helped reveal the surface detail, which is a seven-petal flower on the front(sunflower?) and a missing shank on the back. This appears to be a...
  33. Flat Button Today

    Found an old flat button today and need help in identification. It is 3/4 inch(19.05mm) with no pattern on the front. I was able to use a toothpick and reveal a sawtooth pattern on the back--or sunburst on the inner ring around the loop. Also could see a couple of letters "tch". Would lead me to...
  34. Help Identifying Old Button Please!

    Found in downtown Charleston. Scroll above says 'E Pluribus Unum', Back says 'Gilt'. It looks like the presidential seal, but I don't know who would've had a flat button with that on it. Thanks!
  35. Im swingin in the rain...

    I'm swingin' in the rain... Today was the day I got to try out my new Garret AT Pro. Perfect day to try it out too. I was in the field swinging for about 30 minutes and then the rain started falling. I threw up the hood on my sweatshirt and pressed on, knowing I didn't have to worry about...
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